Bathroom {Mic x Midnight x Aizawa}

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🛑🚧🚨This story has a lot of mentions of suicide fyi🚨🚧🛑

They were all standing at the door when they heard your foot steps coming down the stairs. Mic was the first to greet you "Morning songbird!" He picked you up chuckling at the little surprised squeak you let out as he hoisted you into the air. He brought you to his face so he could pepper yours in kisses "Your mustache tickles Zashi!" He gave you one last kiss a bit harder then the rest before dropping you into Aizawa's arms. Aizawa pulled you closer to his chest for a tight hug "Morning kitty cat, how'd you sleep?" "Alright I guess." He nodded before setting you down and nudging you to midnight. 

She bent to squeeze the life outta you with her tight hug as she nibbled your check "Why are you even up this early moonlight." You let you go as all three awaited your answer "...Another nightmare-" She huffed "Butterfly I told you already not to bring up those nightmares, ignore them and they'll go away." You frowned but quickly put your smile back on "Alright, sorry." She pinched your check and gave the other a kiss "Its alright baby, just dont let it happen again." Mic brought both his hands down on your shoulders and shook them playfully to snap you out your mind "We made your plate of breakfast, its in the icebox, why dont you go eat alright." You nodded and started walking to the kitchen.

Mic turned to his other two partners "Check and make sure yall have everything." Midnight did but Aizawa didn't "Sho you should check too." "I have everything." Midnight turned to him "You said that last time, if you forget your boxers again im not gonna let you borrow my underwear." Aizawa playfully rolled his eyes as she giggled. They left for their week long mission and you ate breakfast before heading to the bathroom, you opened its door and the first thing your eyes caught was the bright orange pill bottle.

Aizawa's pain meds, you reached for them but quickly grabbed your own wrist yanking it to your chest breathing heavy. You meet Mic and Midnight in a club they were drinkers and you would take whatever really, you were all addicts but they got clean when Aizawa came back into their life, you keep your drug abuse up though you did it before them you'll do it after. Well you oded and almost died and when Mic found out he was your emergency contact he knew what they had to do, thats why they locked you in their house, to 'help' you because they 'loved' you. They took you in a while ago so you've already gone threw all the worst parts of withdrawal and since they never left any meds out you didn't have to go threw 'choosing to be sober everyday' because they choose for you, thats the only thing your thankful for them choosing for you. But now face to face with the high you still crave in the back of your mind everyday the choose was yours. You walked out closing the door behind you, you can stay strong. 

Aizawa grabbed your arm "Stop being a brat and apologize." He basically growled it at you as you sobbed uncontrollably "No!" Mic was holding his blackening eye "Sho dont be to hard on her." Aizawa turned to him "She'll never behave if we let her off the hook." He broke three of your fingers. As the pain hit you you woke and hit the floor hard breathing heavy, you scurried off to the bathroom, just two...

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Mic bursted threw the door way "Songbird! We're home!" He didn't hear footsteps so he spoke again "Come on co-star, we need some love! A week without you feels like an eternity!" When you still didn't come the happy fun time attitude wavered "F/n, im not playing this game dear come and greet your partners at the door like a good girl this instant!" Still no response, they split up to look for you, you better just be in a deep nap or your in a world of shit. 

Aizawa was checking your room as Mic checked your hobby room when they both heard Midnight let out the loudest pain filled scream they've ever heard from her. They both dropped what they were doing and booked it to the bathroom to find Midnight on her knees clutching your stiff body protectively against her chest "S-shes so cold." Aizawa dropped next to her and put two fingers on your neck "...Nothing." 

Mic got down with them and noticed something that was under you before Midnight pulled you up to hold. He picked it up "...Shota, his is your pain pill bottle. I told you to pack this four times!" Aizawa scooted back a bit as Midnight also turned to him "You might as well have left them on a platter for her, god do you think about anyone other then yourself ever?" Aizawa's rational side knew they were speaking from hurt and didn't really mean it but the side that he tried to hide, the weak and insecure side, told him they meant every word.

"I didn't mean to, I really thought I packed them-" Mic cut him off gripping the plastic bottle so hard it made an audible crack sound "Oh shut up! I told you four time plus told you at the door to double check and you didn't because you think your smarter then everyone else!" Aizawa was now crying with them "I- I-" Midnight pulled your body closer to her "First Oboro, then you left me and Zashi to grieve alone for years, and now F/n, everywhere you go you bring pain to others!" Aizawa froze for a moment before standing up and just running out the bathroom and out the whole apartment.

He took a long walk, his rational side won in the end. Their hurt and they need him just like they needed him the first time, and just like the first time he'll go to them. It was a three hour walk all together but he finally made it home again. He went back into the apartment containing himself "Zashi? Yama? Guys can we please talk?" He walked into the bedroom and found them both curled up to your body covered in the bed. "Guys im sorry, this is my fault. I understand your upset but we have to talk this threw-"

He stopped when he noticed the blood on the covers. He quickly grabbed the blanket and yanked it up, both had slit their wrists and in their last moments curled up to all they had left, the stiffened body of their k̶i̶d̶n̶a̶p̶p̶e̶d̶ ̶v̶i̶c̶t̶i̶m̶  lover. Aizawa now lays curled up at the bottom of the bed his lovers' bodies occupy, hes downed whatever was in the medicine cabinet, lifes not worth living for any of them with out you.

(1232 Words)

Requested by: CrimsonRiot_Dragon13

You said angst so i tried to really bring it lol

Idk I like the idea of Aizawa calling Kayama, Yama, I feel like he did it back in his first year {her third year} and it annoyed the living crap outta her so he kept doing it because they both petty af, but now it doesn't bother her because its become a term of endearment 

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