Prey {Mic}

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Ever since he took you home all you do is cower in the corner of the room he set up for you and cry. Of course its completely understandable to be scared in a situation like this, he gets that, he just wishes you'd let him sooth you instead of throwing yourself into a panic attack every time he comes close to you. It hurts him to see you like that and it hurts even more to know he can only walk away and hope you can calm yourself down or have to hear you cry yourself into a restless sleep.

Speaking of your restless sleep, thats the only time he can actually be close to you. He comes in and scoops you out your corner and tuck you into your bed before refiling the cup on your nightstand and switching your empty bowl with a full one before kissing your forehead and quickly retreating before you wake. Sure sometimes he sneaks sleeping pills in your food so he can cuddle you but its not the same as if you were awake. Hes had enough, time for some exposure therapy!

You heard the front door open and close, then the footsteps rushing up the stairs, his normal routine. He opened you door and looked in with that scary full of to much love smile, still just his normal routine. Then he slowly walked in and sat on your bed, this is new! You dont like this new routine!

He did this for a sold two weeks before one day he sat on the floor right across from you, so close you could reach out and touch him. To close! You feel like a cornered animal, no not an animal, cornered prey. You felt the pressure in your chest tightening making it harder to breath, your eyes watered, and your body began to physically shake. Go away, go away, go away! Please!

His voice was just barely above a whisper as he spoke to you "Hey, its alright baby. You know I would never hurt you right?" You shook your head no because you dont know that, he broke into your home, drugged, and kidnapped you for god sacks! His eyes held true sadness after you answered him "I would never even think of hurting you, I love you." If not for the ice cold paralyzing fear coursing threw your veins you would have laughed, he sure has a real shot way of showing his love. He scooted closer causing you to try and rear back and accidentally hit your head on the wall since you had no more room to back up, if you feel like the prey that makes him the predator.

He quickly held up his hands in surrender "No its ok. Calm down, im just trying to help you. Will you let me?" You didn't respond, only watching him causing him to sigh and then begin to coo to you "Come here songbird, its ok." He extended his hand to you, you examined it before slowly placing your hand in his. He pulled you into his lap carefully smiling softly all the while. Once you were settled laying in his lap he started rubbing your head "Shh, your ok, breath with me baby." He took a deep breath and you followed 1...2...3...4...5... he let it out and you did the same. 

He sat there breathing with you till you calmed down, he then wipped your face "Where gonna stand up ok?" Once you nodded he stood cradling you to his chest. He walked out your room and down the hall to another bedroom, by the way its decorated you guess its his personal one. He slowly placed you on the bed before slipping in next to you. Your not sure what compelled you, if it was the sleepiness or still coming down from the panic attake or him being the only person to even comfort you during an attack, but you rolled over snuggling into his chest. You could hear the smile in his voice as he wrapped his arms around you "Night songbird, sweet dreams."

(687 Words)

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