Love Sick {TodoBakuDeku}

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"Well no physical injuries so you can all go back to the dorm, stop doing this shit im to old to be dealing with you three everyday." Midoriya was putting his blaser back on "What quirk were we hit with?" She scanned the file on her desk "Truth, you can't lie even to yourselves so if I was you I would keep your mouths shut and dont think to hard about something you dont want the answer to." They all nodded as they started walking back to class. Midoriya turned to Todoroki "What are you doing later?" "I dont wanna hang out today- im sorry that came out harsher than attended." 

Midoriya smiled "Thats alright I was just trying to be polite I didn't wanna hang out anyway- wow we should take Recovery Girl's advice were kinda asswholes." Bakugou nodded "Really even when im not talking!?" They stepped into the dorms and all went to their rooms instead of dealing with the people of 1A who only want to annoy them.

You were sitting at your desk in the dorm trying to figure out Mic's homework when a knock came at your door, a welcomed distraction. You opened the door to see Todoroki but before you could ask what he needed he buried his face in your neck and pulled you into a tight hug "F/n, I love you, will you please go out with me?" You couldn't speak, this can't be real, suddenly Bakugou grabbed the collar of his shirt and ripped him off you "Get your hands off my future wife you IcyHot bastard!" Midoriya slipped past the both of them and picked you up to cradle you "Shes my girlfriend and you should both leave her be!"

You were too shocked to speak much less try and move from his arm as they bickered. Suddenly the grey scarf wrapped around you and yanked you into Aizawa's arms "Glad I came to check on you three." You looked up at him face burning "Uh, im missing a huge piece of the story i guess." He put you down "They were hit with a quirk while on a mock patrol, I didn't go to Recovery Girl with them but im guessing it was a love quirk. You'll just have to put up with them, and please dont let them fight, till the quirk wears off in a bit." "Why cant they just stay locked in their rooms." Aizawa gave you a smirk "Because this is free entertainment for me, besides who wouldn't want the next top three heroes trying to court them." He laughed threw his nose "Maybe Todoroki will pull out Endeavors credit card for you." 

He gave you a pat on the back before leaving "Your an ass!" He gave a real, sourta loud, laugh that time "If thats how you feel im making taking care of them an assignment for a grade! Good luck!" "Ugh!" 

You turned back to them as they all stood staring at you "You like me more right snow angel?" "No way, F/n wants a real man not you Half and Half! You obviously like me the most right?" "Why would she want any of you when she could have me, you like me more right babe?" You rubbed the back of your neck "Your all great friends, I cant put one of you over the other it wouldn't be right." Bakugou smiled "I get it, playing hard to get huh, or do you just like having the three hottest UA students fighting over you?"

F/n.exe has stopped working  

"Uh, I should really get back to my homework." They all smiled "I can help!" Of course. You found yourself seated on Todoroki's lap as Bakugou did your homework, and Midoriya cleaned your room. "I- You guys should really be getting to your rooms huh im sure you have better things to do-" Todoroki kissed your hand "Nothing will ever come above you, not even hero work." Their gonna give you a heart attack!

Eight o'clock rolled around and Bakugou grabbed you curling up in your bed "Huh?" "This is the time I go to sleep and I wanna cuddle you." "What if one of us also wanted to sleep with F/n?" "Then come and find a spot Izuku!" How are you supposed to sleep like this! You didn't get to walk into class like normal, no Midoriya carried you to class and sat you at your desk for you. Aizawa turned to you with a smirk "So how's everything going so far?" "Your old and you smell like you crawled out a garbage can." Everyone was expecting you to be expelled on the spot but he only gave you a shit eating grin "So great then? Good to hear." 

Class went normal and you were thankful for that but the second lunch rolled around they were fighting over you again "How about just us four go sit at a table of our own?" Finally school was over and you booked it to the shower to get some peace away from them.

"Shes taking to long." Midoriya sat on your bed with a pout, Bakugou nodded "And did you see the way Aizawa was talking her up?" "Bakugou hes our teacher he wasn't 'talking her up'." "Shut up IcyHot you dont even know what a healthy relationship looks like so how would you know what flirting looks like?" "I'll beat your ass!" Midoriya sighed "Stop fighting your gonna make F/n upset!" The two others looked to each other and nodded before Bakugou stood "Shes wants to be our girlfriend clearly, why else would she be putting up with us, so lets just go see how much longer she'll be im sure she wont mind."

(966 Words)

Requested by: Kamiko_1234

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