Bed {KiriBaku}

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They both sat up when they heard the door to their bedroom creek open. Once their eyes fixed to the darkness they could tell it was their darling standing in the doorway with tears streaming down her face, Kirishima stood and made his way over to her "Something wro-?" He was cut off by the shock of her throwing herself into his chest and sobbing. He picked you up and petted your head "Hey, hey, its alright. Whats wrong?" You shook your head so he brought you to his bed laying you in between him and Bakugou "Whats her problem?"

Kirishima simply shrugged as he got back into the bed allowing you to role over and snuggle into his chest again. Bakugou rolled his eyes and he snuggled into your back "Stop crying dumbass we're right here. Whatever your afraid of its not getting past us so just go to bed already, I have a meeting in a couple hours." You lifted your head from Kirishima's chest "Night." Neither man could ignore how cute the word came from you "Night cutie." "Yeah, goodnight."

(187 Words)

Requested by: LoriBannon

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