Take You Away {Mr. Compress}

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"Calm down, im sure they're gonna love you babe." Compress swallowed and reached to ring the doorbell of your parents house, even as a full adult he was worried your parents wouldn't like him. The door swung open and a man pulled you into a hug along with an older women "Hi!" they both returned the greeting before looking to him "You must be Atsuhiro, nice to meet you son!"

"Likewise sir!" He shook your dads hand before your mom hugged him and then pulled him inside to close the door. Everyone made their way to the dinning room "So what do you do for work?" Work!? He started sweating a little, of course he kept his villain business secret from you but under the stress he forgot what he told you he did. "Hes a street magician, he makes good money too." Your perfect, he doesn't think he could love you any more but here he is. "Yup, it pays the bills and I get to do what I love so it all works out."

You all sat at the table in front the great smelling food. Your parents kept shooting him questions and you had to answer 5 out of 10 of them, the ones he did answer were shaky and half sentences. Finally 'family time' was over and you two headed to the guest bedroom to turn in, your parents invited you two to come camping with them and you guys were leaving early the next morning. "They dont like me." You crawled in bed next to him "Non since, if they didn't like you you wouldn't be coming camping with us." "You sure?" "Yes Sako, now come on we have an early morning tomorrow." "Right, night dear." You yawned "Night."

Compress woke up what must have been an hour or two later and rolled over to pull you to him only to find your side of the bed empty. He sat up and heard voices, he tiptoed out the room and to the edge of the living room to find you and your parents sitting on the couch. He was about to walk in to join you all and see what was going on but stopped dead in his tracks when he heard the conversation. 

Your mother was speaking "Hes not who you think he is." You shook your head clearly upset "I dont get what your getting at." Your dad let out a sigh "Street magic? I call bullshit no one makes as much as he brings home doing street magic for tips. Not to mention the way he started sweating every time we asked about his personal life or work-" You cut him off standing up "Sako wouldn't lie to me." Your mom stood and pulled you into a worried hug "Baby we're not trying to offend you we just want to make sure your not in any danger." You sighed clearly understanding where she was coming from "I'll... I'll bring it up with him on our hike tomorrow, see if hes lying to me, and move from there." Your dad stood to look you in your eye "Promise me if hes not good you'll leave him, for us."

 Compress stood behind the little wall, waiting for your answer with more anticipation than your parents "I promise." Compress wanted to cry, you really just agreed to leave him after promising how your parents felt about him would change nothing between you two. Your shoulders slumped from emotional exhaustion as you rubbed your eyes "Im going back to bed." Your mom reached out for you but you backed up a bit "You sure you dont want to just sleep on the couch?" "Im sure, even if he isn't who I think he is he wouldn't hurt me." Compress nodded because your right. 

When you turned to walk back to the room be booked it, running to the a jointed bathroom before you could make it into the room. He walked out the bathroom as you walked back into the room "Where did you go off to darling?" You gave him a smile "Just, uh, out to get some fresh air, ready to go back to bed?" "Yeah." 

You woke up first the next morning, Compress was woken by you frantically shaking him. You were freaking out about how your parents were no where to be found, they weren't answer the phone but their car was still in the driveway. He tried to calm you but you called the cops, they told you their was nothing they could do since your parents were adult who can leave as they please but if you wanted to make a report just in case something came up you could. You did then Compress got you in the passenger seat of his car and started driving you back to the shared apartment. 

"You ok dear?" "Fine, just worried is all." He gave you a sympathetic "Im sure they'll call you telling you they went out with some friends or something soon enough." It pained him to lie to you, he knows they wont ever call you because their currently marbles in his pocket and will soon be Nomus when he gets the time to drop them off to Kurogiri but they tried to take you away from him and he couldn't let that happen.

(899 Words)

Requested by: BaileyJC7

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