"Im Worried About You" {Dadzawa Vs. Villain Midoriya}

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❣️For Aizawa only

The bell rung and you started packing your bag ready to head home when, "L/n I need to speak to you really quickly." You looked up from your bag to see Aizawa sitting behind his desk motioning you to come. You quickly finished packing as the rest of the class left and went over to stand in front his desk "Yes sir?" He stood and rounded the desk to stand in front you looking down with his tired eyes. He placed his hand on your shoulder giving it a light squeeze "How have you been, I mean since the whole traitor situa-" You gave him an all to wide smile "Im ok, better then ok actually-!" He shook his head with a sigh "Your not, and thats okay, but whats no ok is bottling everything up until it eats you alive. Please talk to me, im worried about you L/n."

"̶̡̤̉̉I̸͉͋̈m̶̬̥̄͛ ̷̹̬̂́w̴̼̱̍ǒ̷̠r̶̫͂͒ŕ̵͎̪ỉ̸͓͝ë̴͔d̵̝̓ ̸͖̚à̴̫b̴͕̤̈́o̵̙͍͌u̴͕̓͆t̶̞́ ̴̙̏ý̶͕o̶̺͝u̸̳͊̆͜.̵͈͎̓"̸̹̱̍͗  Your lip started to wobbled 

"̶̡̤̉̉I̸͉͋̈m̶̬̥̄͛ ̷̹̬̂́w̴̼̱̍ǒ̷̠r̶̫͂͒ŕ̵͎̪ỉ̸͓͝ë̴͔d̵̝̓ ̸͖̚à̴̫b̴͕̤̈́o̵̙͍͌u̴͕̓͆t̶̞́ ̴̙̏ý̶͕o̶̺͝u̸̳͊̆͜.̵͈͎̓"̸̹̱̍͗  Tears started collecting in your eyes threatening to fall with every blink

"̶̡̤̉̉I̸͉͋̈m̶̬̥̄͛ ̷̹̬̂́w̴̼̱̍ǒ̷̠r̶̫͂͒ŕ̵͎̪ỉ̸͓͝ë̴͔d̵̝̓ ̸͖̚à̴̫b̴͕̤̈́o̵̙͍͌u̴͕̓͆t̶̞́ ̴̙̏ý̶͕o̶̺͝u̸̳͊̆͜.̵͈͎̓"̸̹̱̍͗  You felt a burn in the back of your throat

You started sobbing and Aizawa pulled you into a hug rubbing your back in a soothing fashion "Its alright, let it out, ive got you." You and Midoriya had been dating for almost two years when he was outed as the UA traitor and ran away to hide with the league. It hurt, hurt more then anything, but you had to suck it up and be their for the others. His poor mother, his mentor, his childhood best friend they were all hurting way more then you and you wanted to at least try and help them.

You put your own emotions to the side for everyone else but in that empty classroom you cried into your homeroom teachers chest for what felt like hours, just babbling and hiccuping. Once you were all out of tears Aizawa wiped your face "Want me to drive you home?" You didn't want to get on the train looking that disheveled so you nodded letting him lead you out the classroom. About an hour later you were getting out his car parked at the front of your apartment complex "Thanks Mr. Aizawa." He nodded "Remember I put my number in your phone, call me if you ever need to talk, about anything its fine." "Yes sir." 

He drove off once you made it to the door. You opened and closed the door quickly to find the whole apartment clocked in darkness "Mom?" You walked further in dropping your bag "Dad?" Maybe their both still at work- "Hey cutie~" You jumped coming face to face with the last person you wanted to see, Izuku Midoriya, covered in fresh blood. He tried to cup your face with one of his bloody hand but you backed away "What are you- How did you get in my house!?" He chuckled "Let myself in, I was hopping you'd be happier to see me though."

You pulled your phone out your pocket "Dont do that F/n, you will regret it." Your grip on the phone tightened "Why would I be happy to see you, you lied to me, tricked me, and hurt people I care about!" He rolled his eyes "F/n you can give me that phone and come willingly and I promise I wont hurt, anyone else, you care about or I can break it and drag your ass home by force. Either way your coming with me." You took another step back and tripped over your bag falling flat on your ass.

Your phone skidded across the floor and he picked it up "Im hurt F/n really, calling the heroes on me, I thought we had something special." He put the phone to his ear "Hi Aizawa-sensei, sorry but F/n's a bit busy right now, she also wont be able to call you back. Bye-bye~!" He dropped the phone and crushed it with his foot "Like I said, your gonna regret that." 

Another one i'll let you guys vote on, comment on the one you want, the one with the most votes wins:

🖤Aizawa makes it in time {Dadzawa wins}🖤

💚Aizawa doesn't make it {Villain Mido wins}💚

(754 Words)

Requested by: Shelbinator351

You asked for Dadzawa or Villain Midoriya so I just put them together 

~Im back! I cant promise its gonna be three stories a day like it was before stories will be out as fast as I can with my current situation~

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