Tokoyami Head Canons

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-He doesn't really know what drew him to you he just finds you never leave his thoughts

-He starts inviting you to come out with him and the rest of the Emo Squad

-He starts getting you to hang out one on one 

-Then boom hes your boyfriend

-Thats when the obsession starts getting bad

-Suddenly he no longer wants you to hang out with the Emo Squad or your friends

-He wants to be the only one you hang out with {and dark shadow of course} 

-He even hates when you talk to the teachers

-If you try and leave he'll cry and gaslight you into thinking your the one in the wrong

-He makes you feel like its just you and him against the world

-After graduation your locked up, no more outside no more hero work no more anything accept him

-It'll be you and him against the world..accept you cant even remember what the outside world looks like anymore 

(165 Words)

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