Too Far {Momo}

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"All you had to do is listen!" Her hand came down hard across your face causing a loud smack sound. She sent you to your room complaining of your cries being to loud and annoying her to much, but once she had cooled off she relized maybe she had been way to hard on you.

You were laying on your bed crying when the door opened, you quickly tried to silence your sobs not wanting to anger her more. She sat on the edge of your bed and reached out for you, you flinched away ruling into yourself more causing her to gasp and pull away, your afraid of her. She grabbed you pulling you to her chest, you felt her tears drop onto your face "Im sorry! So sorry! Dont be scared of me! I wont ever hurt you again! "Its ok." She heart it, it was nothing more then a whisper, broken and emotionless. She started crying harder, she knows she messed up, but she doesn't know how to fix it.

(177 Words)

Requested by: juye0nsluvr_

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