Therapy {LOV}

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How you ended up like this? You were walking home after work and a dark purple opened under you causing you to fall threw it and land on your ass on a bar stool. A guy made of purple fog handed you a drink, he wants you to use your therapist knowledge and calming quirk to talk to the League Of Villain in hopes of helping them even a bit. You spent a whole week doing that and you made some good progress but when you tried to leave to go home for a break they stopped you and wouldn't let you leave no matter how many times you promised to come back.  

You you said you wanted to go home because you were home sick they 'surprised' you by going to your apartment and grabbing everything that seemed sentimental or important and 'redecorated' your p̶r̶i̶s̶o̶n̶  room to look as much like your old apartment as they could. Now your stuck here forever to be their personal therapist. Truly you wouldn't mind, if they would let you go home, because you like helping people but being stuck here and forced to was a whole nother story.

You were sat at your desk in the corner of your 'room' coloring, what else is their to do, when a loud frantic knock came at the door "Come in!" The door opened and you heard little hiccups and sobs as Shigaraki stepped in, you stood and made your way over to him "Wanna talk about it?" He shook his head no and yanked you into a hug burying his face in your neck as he tried to catch his breath. A light blue aura appeared around your body and not a second later his grip loosened and his breath started to even, you focused and the blue aura got brighter as he shut his eyes. Once he was fully asleep you put him in your bed and tucked him in before going back to coloring. 

You were folding some of the clothing they stole from your old home when the door was thrown open, Dabi walked in ranting "Shh!" You pointed to the bed Shigaraki was still sleeping on and he rolled his eyes but did lower his voice. "He idoizes my old man. You know the one that used to throw me and mom around-" He sighed as he pulled you desk chair out and sat before continuing his rant. Once he was done he stood "Thanks." You gave him a smile as he shut the door, you rubbed your face, you could use a nap yourself. Always being 'on called' is starting to get to you. Before you could crawl in bed next to Shigaraki Twice came running in crying and holding his head "I cant find my mask!" You activated your quirk full fold, knowing normal power would get no where with Twice, well looks like you your not getting your nap today.

(576 Words)

Requested by: Peachacid77  

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