Comfort {EraserMic}

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I used a lot of weird period terms, im sorry lol 

You were curled into yourself on 'your' bed holding your stomach, why, why now. You slowly stood and shuttered when you felt the jelly fish shift with you, you made you way to the living room were you saw your kidnappers sitting on the couch together talking. Aizawa must have heard you walking because he turned "Oh look who finally came out their room." You frowned, he sounded so annoyed, oh this is the wrong time for your hormones to start fucking with you! You walked to stand beside the couch and Mic turned to you with that patent smile as always "You need something songbird?"

"I need you to run to the store for me." Mic leaned forward reaching for the key bowl in the center of the coffee table "What do you need?" You stopped, you totally forgot you would actually have to tell them the stuff you needed "Uh..." Mic frowned "Well? Boo I cant get it if I dont know what you need." "Feminine products." Mic cocked his head "All your soaps are still stocked, your perfumes and deodorant arn't out, a-" "Oh my god, like period stuff!" They both turned to each before Mic dropped the keys back in the dish and stood. 

He grabbed your shoulders and pushed you back to your room and into the a jointing bathroom. He opened the cabinet on the bottom of the sink pad, tampons, diva cups, feminine whips, everything you could need for your period "Im not surprised you didn't know this was here since all you seem to do is lay in your bed." Now he sounded just as annoyed as Aizawa and the flood gates broke, fuck hormones! He quickly turned back to you and pulled you into a hug "Whats wrong?" "Im sorry im so annoying." "Oh songbird we're not annoyed with you, we're just sad we never get to see you."

He rubbed your head a bit before pulling away "Hope in the tub i'll grab you some clothes and a towel for you, alright." You nodded as he left to give you privacy, you stripped and hopped into the shower, the warm water felt so good on your stomach. You heard Aizawa come in "Hizashi went to the store, I brought the towel and clothing." You pulled the shower curtain back and Aizawa immediately squished his eyes shut and thrusted the towel in your detection. You quickly dried off and got dressed "I got clothes on." He opened his eyes to you walking out the bathroom but before you could curl in bed you noticed the blood spot "Ugh!!" Aizawa came over and started pulling the sheets up "You can go curl up in me and Zashi's bed if you want." 

 You sighed and went to the master bed room and curled up on the bed, wow its soft. You were laying there with a dull stabbing pain when Aizawa came in "I found my heating pad, you wanna use it?" You gave him a thumbs up as he came over and placed the heating pad on your stomach and plugged it in "Shotaaa!" He turned to you after you finished you little whine "Yes kitten?" "Will you cuddle me?" He smiled as he slid in bed behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist carefully, enough pressure to hold the heating pad but not enough to hurt you, at least he hoped.

You scooted closer to his chest as you closed your eyes, you woke up to commotion and rolled to see Aizawa and your heating pad was gone. You went to the bathroom before heading down stairs again, you found the two in the kitchen "Hey songbird! Want some grub?" "I could eat." You sat on one of the kitchen stools as Mic grabbed a plate, he came back a bit later and placed it in front you along with a glass "Feeling any better?" You shrugged as you ate, your stomach was still killing you but not as much as before so its a win in your book. 

Aizawa walked over to the pantry "Zashi get shopping, you want something sweet." God yes! "Sure." He set a candy bar next to you as he ruffled your head, after lunch you went to sit on the couch but apparently your body wants to lay down because suddenly sitting up hurt like hell. You winced and grab your stomach from the shock of the sudden cramp, Mic and Aizawa were next to you in a second "Whats wrong?" "Are you ok?" You stood and started walking to your room "Yeah I just need to lay down." Aizawa's voice called after you "I made your bed, fresh sheets!" 

Fuck that bed, you went to their room and curled back up, your bed felt like a brick compared to this one. You snuggled in and covered up, you dont really have anything to do other than nap and the bonus of not feeling pain while asleep. The next time you woke up you were squished between Mic and Aizawa in the dark room "Mmh." Mic's hand came up to move your hair out your face "You slept threw dinner but if you want I can go warm you up a plate." "Im not hungry." You rolled over and snuggled into his chest closing your eyes once more.

(911 Words)

Requested by: DDL_DRAWS

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