Asylum {Doctor Aizawa}

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You sat up when you heard your room room open "Morning F/n." The door closed and his voice went from professional to friendly "I snuck you some coffee from the break room." You gave him a smile as he carefully handed you the styrofoam cup "Thanks Aizawa-san, but you really shouldn't have I dont wanna get you in trouble." He shook his head as he placed your breakfast tray in front you on the bed "Please you deserve it, your stay is going well so look at it as a reward." He pulled the rolling chair from the corner and positioned it next to you before taking his seat to check your vitals. 

Once the chart was filled out he reached over and popped something from your plate into his mouth "Hey!" He chuckled "I brought it to you o you gotta pay the price of delivery." You laughed as he wiggled his eyebrows, as your laughter died down Aizawa could see concern replace your smile "Do-" you sighed "Do you think i'll be able to leave soon?" His playful demeanor was gone in a blink and once again replaced with his professional one as he went over the paperwork in his hands.  

Your now ex boyfriend checked you in after you had a breakdown and tried to do something not so great to yourself. After checking you in he dumped you threw a letter, not only that but your parents sent a letter asking when you could go back to class and when you said you probably wouldn't since the stress of it was the thing that started the episode they disowned you sending you deeper and deeper into your episode meaning you had to spend longer and longer in this place. 

He cleared his throat, "Well you have improved greatly from when you arrived, we no longer have to sedate you to preform treatments or give you medicine and you eat and sleep like your supposed to but you do still refuse to leave your room and most days your bed." You nodded as he continued "When your ready to come out your room and you become active it may be another discussion but dont push yourself, trying to be better faster will only cause you to get worse." His playful smile came back "Trying to get away from me already?" You chuckled "Nah, if anything meeting you was probably the only good thing to come from all this." 

He nodded glancing at his watch before standing and grabbing his clipboard to tuck under his arm "Well I wish I could stay but I do have other people to see, i'll see you at lunch." When you were finally calm enough for them to stop sedating you Aizawa noticed you never left your room so he started coming around every chance he got to chat and the like instead of spending his breaks in the break room. "Why cant you play nice with your coworkers?" He scoffed "Thats rich coming from the women who punched a nurse."

You pointed a finger at him "Thats different and you know it, Yamada isn't coming at you with a needle while your high on sedatives and fading out of consciousness, while your on break." He nodded "Alright fair point, but im still gonna come annoy you every chance I get." He closed the door with a wink that made you roll your eyes with a smile. 

Aizawa dropped your paperwork with Mic at the nurse station "How is she doing?" "Still refusing to associate with others, wont leave her bed, only ate if I ate some, and threatened you again." Mic sighed "At this rate shes gonna be a permanent resident, you gonna eat lunch with her?" Aizawa shrugged "Its pretty much the only way to get her to eat and I would hate to have to use a feeding tube when its not really necessary. Guess i'll get the paperwork ready to move her to the upper stories so they can start getting her new forever home ready huh." Mic nodded "I'll call Nemuri and see if she'll come with me to move her things up there with me when your done, poor thing I was rooting for her." Aizawa nodded with a  "Me too." 

(720 Words)

Requested by: Sol565  

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