Y̶a̶n̶d̶e̶r̶e̶ Boyfriend {Mic}

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This was inspired by a few comments by ziakitty lol

You pulled the ace bandage a bit tighter around R/n's arm "You know if you just accept Hizashi's love we'd all be much happier." She looked at you like you just grew a second head "F/n, come on!" She gestured to the bandage you just wrapped around her broken arm "I bet he used to do this to you too! Arn't you upset about that!? He trusts you, we can use that to escape!" You smiled, even giving a small chuckle "Why would I want to leave Hizashi?"

She groaned as she grabbed you with her good arm and shook you hard "Hes broken your mind!" You stopped her "No he hasn't. Look Hizashi just gets frustrated when you dont accept his love after everything he does for us, if you'd just let him care for you, it'll never happen again." The door to the bathroom opened and you hopped up running into his arms for a hug "I bandaged her up like you asked Zashi!" He smiled pinching your check "Thank you baby, you did so well." His smile dropped as he looked over to R/n "Would you like to come eat the dinner I just cooked for us or are you gonna pitch another fit again?"

R/n's eyes sharpened "Your both crazy mother fuckers!" He sighed as he shook his head, he flipped the light off and closed the door that clicked signifying it was now locked. "Come on F/n." You turned the back to the door "Are you really gonna leave her in the pitch black bathroom alone?" He raised an eyebrow "Would you like to keep her company?" "No." He wrapped his arm around your waist with a smile "Then lets go eat dinner. Dont worry about her, she'll learn her place soon enough." He pinched your check "Just as you have."

(318 Words)

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