Coddle {1A + Aizawa}

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🚧Aizawa can be interpreted as platonic or romantic I left it up to you, dont like dont read🚧

"Yeah yo, why haven't you expelled her yet?" Aizawa kept his face expressionless but his knuckles were turning white under the table from balling his hands into fists "She has potential she just needs to learn discipline." Midnight looked over the file in front her "But shes so destructive and-" "And its my class, Nezu has given me full reign to teach it how I will.  Shes trying and thats good enough for me at the moment." The teachers were confused Aizawa has never been one to coddle students, they've seen him throw kids out for way less, but it was now time for class so they couldn't really ask follow ups yet. 

Aizawa walked into class to see Sero and Momo trying to help you fix your sunshades "Morning." "Morning Aizawa-sensei!" Everyone sat and Aizawa started his lesson, of course all his coworkers were right and hes not just going to let you slide threw the hero course but he can't throw you out, it would be more cruel than letting you just have your little dream. He'll find a way to let you be in class but not become a pro he just needs some more time, but thats fine he has two more years to find a way and of course the class is helping so it shouldn't be to long now. 

He scanned the room, Midoriya had two notebooks on his desk, one his and one yours since you can't really see the writing on the board with the glasses on and taking them off would result in turn everyone in the classroom to stone. You can't turning them back human yet so most of your notes are from your nice classmates who want just to help you succeed. During training you were placed with Mina and it was mostly hand to hand combat but one shove on your shoulder caused you to trip and your glasses flew off your face. You looked up to see Mina already a statue, before you could feel bad for her Aizawa was picking you off the ground "You ok L/n?" 

"Little scuffed up but mina-" "Mina will be ok, Recovery Girl can fix it." He gave you one of those fatherly hugs, hes surprisingly great at, as you started crying feeling bad for turning Mina and still not being able to turn her back. Two of your classmates carried her to Recovery Girl as Aizawa lead you to a more secluded place to give you a pep talk and another hug before returning you to the class. Most of them hugged you as well making sure you were ok, others making sure you knew that they wouldn't blame you or even be upset if you turned them to stone by accident.    

A few minutes later Mina came running back a bit of stone crumbs left on her skin but nothing more. She pulled you into a hug "You ok? I hit you harder then I meant to." "Im ok, are you ok it didn't hurt did it-?" She smiled "Are you kidding, you let me skip almost all of Aizawa-sensei's class and I got to be a statue for a bit, it was so cool!" You smiled as she let you go "We should go to the mall and find you a better pair of shades, ones that fit your face a bit better because these ones you borrowed from Mic are just a workplace hazard waiting to happen." You nodded as she and almost all of 1A started walking with you to the mall. Aizawa walked over to Midoriya "Found a solution to our problem yet?" Midoriya shook his head with a pout "Not yet but im haven't asked the rest of 1A today yet." "Alright you have my number text me if anyone's figured anything out." "Yes sir!"

(663 Words)

Requested by: spookyboo111

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