One Night Stand {Tokoyami}

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You never thought a one night stand would get you in this situation....

You went to a hero gala, since your a reporter you get to get up close and personal with the heroes, maybe you got a little to close and personal with new on the scene hero Tsukuyomi. You left his bed that early morning trying to get to work on time. He came by work and you hid, sure the night was amazing but your not really looking for a relationship and explaining that is just way to awkward for you to handle so ghost until he gives up is the only option you have at the moment. 

He left and you went about work, the next few days you went about your life having him not come back after the first time. A few weeks later you came home from eating out with friends and got super sick so instead of work you went to the doctor assuming you had food posioning.

"Congratulations Ms. L/n, your pregnant." 

You thought back, the hero gala, of course. You thanked her and left on the drive home you decided, you have to tell Tsukuyomi. You didn't want a relationship, you still dont, but he deserves to know he has a kid on the way and a chance to be in their life. You didn't go home you parked in front of the Tsukuyomi agency and took a breath before walking up to the desk "Hi im looking for Tsukuyomi." She didn't look up from her computer "And you are?" "Reporter L/n, but im not here to make a story."

She gave you a look and you handed her the papers from the doctor "I have news for him." She gave the paper a once over before buzzing his office, the second he heard your name he quickly asked her to bring you up before hearing why you were here." She brought you up to his office and left you at the door, another deep breath and you entered "Hi Fumikage." "Hey F/n I was starting to think you were trying to ditch me." You gave a nervous laugh "Oh I was." He gave you a sad look but you lie enough at work you prefer to be upfront in your personal life "But, uh, well... Your a dad!" You blurted it out and immediately regretted it.

But he smiled standing and walking around the desk to give you a hug "T-thats amazing! We're gonna have such a cute family-" "Im not looking for a serious thing Fumikage. Im just giving you a chance to be in the babies life, not mine." He let you go clearing his throat "Oh, well im still happy your giving me that much, maybe one day you'll change your mind." You know you won't but you still smiled. You two exchanged numbers to keep him updated with everything but that wasn't necessary apparently because he was at every doctor's appointment even the check ups and always taking you out to eat 'to make sure the baby's getting enough to eat'.

You just went along with it not wanting to be rude, you sent him baby bump pictures and as the pregnancy went on videos of the kicks. But you could only take so much of his excuses to be around you so you set your boundaries. Hes still allowed at doctors appoints but he can't pick you up and drive you anymore he can meet you there, no more bringing you to lunch, no more showing up at your house for random check ups, you would text him if you need him and thats final. 

And thats how you found yourself waking up to Tokoyami tying your hands above your head "What th-! Mmh!" He tied something around your mouth as well before he tied your ankles together and picked you up bridal style "Try and yell if it hurts and i'll loosen them but not much so dont get any ideas."  Dark Shadow came out and curled around your bump making happy little noises "Awe, you like our little chick?" He nodded going back to snuggling it, once home Tokoyami laid you on the bed Dark Shadow follow to curl around the bump once more as you looked at him confused so Tokoyami gave a laugh "Just protective of our baby, that maternal bird instinct. Oh right you probably want an explanation for everything huh, sorry, you and the chick are important to me I want you both in my life no matter how it happens."  

(768 Words)

Requested by: Fawnish1

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