Passing By {Assorted}

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Y/n passing by their ex {whos secretly a yandere} with their new boo


-You two broke up because the relationship, and by default you, always came second. Work came first, the students came first, patrol came first, meetings came first and you couldn't take it anymore you felt more alone in the relationship then when you were single

-He let you leave him, he couldn't stand to see the hurt in your eyes as you cried into his shoulder about feeling as if he didn't love you

-It had been a few months and he missed you but he stayed away because he didn't want to hurt you more then he already had

-That was until Mic dragged him out for drinks one night and while at the bar he saw you walk in with some guy whos hand was way to low on your back for his liking 

-He decided to go over and strike up a conversation with you

-Lets just say hes gonna get a call from you crying and telling him you haven't heard your boyfriend in a few days and you know its a lot to ask but could he go out and look a bit?

-Of course he'll go look for him, and of course you can cry on his shoulder when he doesn't find one will find him

-Its ok he'll make sure he to put you first this time, you'll come before everything...even the law

Mic: {Ik you didn't request him but, come on, its me, of course ima add him lol}

-You guys broke up because he never had time for you, he was working day and night and when hes not working hes stuffed in his home office preparing things for work or off on some interview or red carpet in front of a million cameras, you felt like you weren't even in a relationship with him

-The breakup was messy, loud, filled with tears, and by the end plenty of hurt feelings on both side 

-He didn't see you for months, its like your avoiding him! {You probably are}

-But finally he spots you walking down the street, with some guy whos got his hand in your back pocket, your both laughing

-He misses the days you used to laugh like that at his jokes

-Mic cant hide his yandere tendencies any longer 

-So lets just say when you wake up you'll be tucked in Mic's bed just like old times


-Surprisingly it was Midoriya who ended the relationship, he was afraid AFO or Shigaraki would come for you so to keep his beloved safe he broke it off

-Not a few weeks later hes out on patrol and sees you holding hands with some guy as you two walk down the side walk

-Hes hurt, its only been a few weeks and your already moving on?

-He goes over and strikes up a conversation with you, he wants to sike out your new boo, you used to date the number one hero what makes this civilian think he can compete?

-If that doesn't work he'll just use his connections to frame the idiot who dared try and steal his girl and get him thrown is Turtarus 

-He'll let you cry on his shoulder after if you want

-He realizes he doesn't need to leave you to protect you, he can just hide you away from everyone! They cant get to you if they dont know where you are! 


-The break up was your doing, you just couldn't take how suffocating he was

-Its been a month or two, and hes been stalking you since the day you ended things, he caught you with some guy who had his hands all over you

-That guy will never be seen again...and neither will you


-You guys broke up because he was controlling and you couldn't take it anymore

-He missed you so he decided to go to your house and try and make amines but on the way there he saw you walking with some guy who had his arm around your waist

-He gets jealous, your his girl! HIS!

-He walks right up to you and starts accusing you of cheating, your such a fucking slut! What one guy just not enough for you huh!?

-He drags you away form the guys who standing there in shock

-Hes not letting you out his arms every again, you just cant be trusted


-He asked you to marry him and started talking about children, you weren't ready he was so you two split

-He follows you, you know because he doesn't even try to hide it

-You thought maybe if you had a new boo he would leave you alone so you got one of your friends to play boyfriend for you

-That was a big mistake


-The break up was super messy and you basically ran out the house without anything you own

-He didn't see you for years, because you've gone out your way to never have to see him again, but one day while on patrol he saw you with some guy who had his around you

-He didn't like that one bit

-He walks up and just grabs you pulling you away

-Your his! No one can love you like he will!

(884 Words)

I think this was requested by NightWing39

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