Wife {Shirikumo}

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"Kurogiri!" He blinked a couple times turning to Shigaraki "Sorry what?" "Why are you always zoning out?" He shook his head a bit "Sorry I just- Theres this feeling in my chest like somethings missing?" "Should I ask master to call the doctor?" "No not physically missing... emotionally." "Well get your head in the game this is one of the most important things we're ever going to do." 

~At the USJ~

"Any non stupid questions?" You a thirteen were trying to hold in a laugh but Mina wasn't done yet "Its not a stupid question! You two are always together!" You swallowed a laugh "No Mina were not married-" You raised your hand before Kaminari could even ask "Im not with Mic either, we've known eachother since high school those idiots are like my brothers nothing more. Besides only one guy has my heart." Before Mina could say anything else you felt it, dread, you've felt it enough to know what it meant. You and Aizawa turned just in time to see it.

You muttered a shit under your breath before turning to Aizawa awaiting a command "Thirteen stay with the kids H/n your with me

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You muttered a shit under your breath before turning to Aizawa awaiting a command "Thirteen stay with the kids H/n your with me." "Right!" You grabbed his waist as he grabbed the scarf to swing. Once on the ground you two started the fight to protect your students, something you can't say your teacher ever did. It was a hard fight on the ground then you noticed the purple blur above the kids "Im going back to the kids! ...Be safe." He turned to you and nodded as you took off back up the steps.

You made it up the stairs to see Bakugou and Kirishima about to strike "Dont! Let the heroes handle it." You ran up behind Thirteen, smart enough not to stand to close." The purple blob grew eyes "Another her-" Kurogiri felt the empty feeling inside his chest explode, why does he want to wrap this hero in his arms and whisk her away from the danger he brought here? He shook his head again before covering them all with his warp and sending them off, other than the pretty little hero thats got hearts in his eyes.

You stood confused to why you were still in the same place but the kids were gone "Where are my kids!?" "All across this place, i've got business with you." You know you should try and subdue him but maybe what he says will help you figure out who they are and what they want. "Alright, im listening." "Join us." "Who is us exactly?" "He calls us The League, were villains wanting to take down this corrupt society of false heroes to save humanity." You cant say hes wrong, heroism is one of the most toxic jobs there is but that doesn't change why you chose to be a hero, you being a hero means Shirikumo gets to watch his dream come true at least one of you made it to the hero ranks "Im not turning my back on my friends, im a hero and thats how it will always be." 

The thing seemed to be smiling "So loyal, you would make a great wife." You scoffed taking a fighting stance "I swore to marry one man and one man only, Oboro Shirkumo." "I see no ring on that pretty finger." "Well cant marry the dead now can we." Kurogiri feels his head start spinning, 

What the hell was that, Kurogiri can't even think straight

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What the hell was that, Kurogiri can't even think straight. He warped himself back to Shigaraki. You stood there dumbfounded for a second, did he really just run? He has to know your quirk wouldn't have done anything to him much less your hands right? You turned in time to see Aizawa's head slam into the ground causing you to freeze in your tracks. A loud burst sounded behind you before Mic was shaking you a bit "F/n!" "Sorry sorry! Go help the kids im fine, go!" You shook off the shock and ran with them to help the kids. You rode with Aizawa to the hospital afterwards.

~LOV's bar~

Shigaraki stood and noticed Kurogiri crouching in the corner holding his head like it was going to explode "Kurogiri?" He turned to face him causing Shigaraki to jump,

Shigaraki stood and noticed Kurogiri crouching in the corner holding his head like it was going to explode "Kurogiri?" He turned to face him causing Shigaraki to jump,

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"̷̘͒̚Ī̵̡̛ ̴̩̀̑ś̵̮w̷͉͆ǫ̴̲̃͗r̶̪̲̀e̴̜̜̊ ̷̧̏ţ̷̣̍o̵̯͋ ̵̬͌m̴̬̹͛́ą̴͊͊r̶̞͍̈́ȓ̶̭ÿ̵̬̬́ ̴̮̱͌͑o̶͎̒͛ͅn̷͕͂̚e̴̛̖͆ ̶̼͇̕ṃ̸̾a̶̱̰͌n̶͙̤͗̓ ̷͚͝ǎ̶͈͊n̴͎̄͗ḍ̴̹̉ ̷͔͒o̸̹̠͊͂n̷̹͐̀e̴̫̤̽ ̸̘́̿ṃ̴̻̈́a̵͚̞͊̉ǹ̷̬͛ ̷̡̹̉̂o̵̜̐ǹ̸̢͠l̷̺͇̋ŷ̷̘͝, ̵̞͗̎Ó̵͕͓͘b̶̭̚ò̵͓̦͆r̸̬̆o̸͎͒ ̸͔͓̉S̸̼͍͘h̵̖͇̽͝i̷̮͆r̸͙͆k̶̢̦̎u̶̹̞͆̔m̵͙̈́o̶̢̳̾̚.̷̞̱̀́"̷̣̓͂

"Will she even want to see me right now?" He was looking at 'himself' in the mirror, a person he hasn't seen in years. He looks a little different of course older, a few scars, darker hair but its him. Shigarkai sighed rolling his eyes "Does it matter? I mean shes clearly still hung up on... You? So go get your wife." Wife, right your his wife you said it yourself, of course you want to see him. "Right ill be back soon." "Take your time, im gonna take a nap anyways." 

He walked up to the desk of the hospital "Shota Aizawa's room please." "He currently has a vis-" "I know, shes my wife. Can you point me to the room please." "Sure, that way down the hall and to the right." "Thanks." He walked to the room and knocked, your voice a bit horse, probably from crying, came a second later "Come in, but please be quiet the medicines finally working, hes resting." He opened the door huge smile plastered across his face "Hi dear."

His smile faded when your sad look turned into one of horror as you stared at him "You ok rain cloud?" You didn't say anything only clutched the side of Aizawa's hospital bed in fear and shock. "You know you spending all this time with Aizawa's got me real jealous, dont you think its time to come home and let him recover." "I dont know what kind of quirk you have or who you are but im not dealing with this today." You grabbed for your phone "Im calling Present Mic, dont make me have to detain you myself because I might not stop at just detainment you sick freak."

He shook his head "This whole, you dont know who I am, joke isn't funny cloud 9. And this definitely isn't a time to be joking." Your phone was covered by purple and was suddenly in his hand "Come home, dont make me have to drag you out this hospital room, we might wake poor Aizawa." You ran for the nurse's button but fell right through a portal on the floor landing on your ass in what seemed to be a closed bar "Sweetheart we can visit Aizawa later, its time you show your actual husband some much needed love you always give his friends." 

(1179 Words)

Requested by: Kamiko_1234

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