Gate 2 {TodoMomo}

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Even though you allowed anywhere within the house you dont leave your room. Since you have a full bathroom adjoined in, your mom brings you food and the like, and your dad brings you anything else you might need so yeah you haven't stepped foot outside your room since that day they caught you and Tenko at the gate. Speaking of the gate, yeah they reinforced it real good, you cant even see over it from your room anymore.

You were laying in your bed staring at the wall when you heard tapping on the window behind you. You rolled around and freaked falling off your bed before fumbling to your feet your feet and crawling back onto the bed again to open the window for a 

You were laying in your bed staring at the wall when you heard tapping on the window behind you. You rolled around and freaked falling off your bed and onto the floor before scrambling to your feet to crawl onto the bed again to open the window for a bloody, bruised and cut up Tenko whos clothing was torn. He dropped his stuffed book bag on your bed and collapsed back breathing hard, your voice came out as a whisper yell "What happened to you?" He smiled up at you "Run- god my lungs are on fire- run away with me F/n." You were taken aback but only for a second before getting up and booking it around your room packing all your necessities in a duffel bag  before crawling out the window with him.

While walking to a section of the new gate "How the hell did you even get in here?" He shrugged "Cant decay it but I know how to climb, thank you can do that princess?" You huffed as you dropped the duffel bag "Watch me." 

~5 minutes later~

You fell on your back for the hundredth time "Okay I can't." He tried not to laugh as he let you hop onto his bag as he again went over the gate again. Once on the other side he was once again breathing heavy "I- fuck im outta shape- I got in touch with an...old friend... dont ask, and they got us a hotel room and I may or may not have stolen some money outta pops wallet so tomorrow we can get a ride out of town and I haven't thought ahead of that." "Alright!"

He gave you a weird look "I was already concerned you agreed without question to willingly run away with me but im telling you after tomorrow were homeless in an unfamiliar place and your just fine with that?" You pulled a huge wade of cash out the duffel bag "Your not the only one with sticky fingers, we'll be able to get an apartment in two towns over and go from there." He smiled as his gloved hand took yours and started pulling you along. You two made it to the dingy motel and re-locked the door right upon entering. "One bed?" He was already taken his destroyed clothes off "Problem? I can take the floor-" "No its fine."

He nodded as he made his way into the bathroom in only his boxers, you took the liberty of throwing his what is now rags away. You then dropped your bag and stretched before going around and fixing up a few things till Tenko came out, he walked over in his towel and gave you a kiss you returned happily. Your parents may be hover mothers but you still hid things like the hole in the gate, that diy cop top, your loving boyfriend Tenko, it wasn't easy but you did it. 

He flopped backwards on the bed and you carefully crawled atop him and laid on his chest careful of his cuts "Night princess." "If you dont stop with the stupid nickname-" He chuckled "Like empress better? How about my queen? Royal highness-?" "Im going to bed!" He started laughing harder but it quickly died down "Alright, night F/n." "Night dumbass." You two woke up around 3AM to banging on the door, Tenko took both his gloves off fearing the worst since this was a bad part of the city but the voice that came threw the banging cut that idea off "F/n Todoroki your ass is grass when I get you!" You both jumped up and started looking around, one door one window both right in front your very angry father. 

The door caught on fire and you and Tenko screamed as you both backed into a corner behind the bed. Momo jumped over the fire of the now gone door and grabbed you yanking you out Tenko's arms "What is wrong with you!?" You got thrown in the back of their car and sat in silence with your mom inside and you dad yelling at Tenko till the Midoriya's came to collect Tenko. Once home you were dragged to your parents room, your sleeping on a cot in their room and because they refuse to let you out their sight anymore.

(851 Words)

Requested by: 09w5g8

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