Dinner Party {BunnyNight}

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"But I dont want to wear that." Mirko sighed putting the while halter dress back in the closet "I've gone threw ever formal outfit you have, do you want me to ask Kayama to pick you up something on her way home?" "No, why do I even have to be at this stupid dinner party anyways? Its not like it has anything to do with me." Her bright red eyes sharpened "We're celebrating our friends marr-" "Midnight's friends, not mine." She sighed "Fine, Kayama can deal with you when she gets home. Im done wasting my breath."

She closed the door and your blood ran cold, you basically tore your closest apart trying to find the deep purple evening gown with a slit up the right leg that seems to be Midnight's favorite. You pared it with some classic black flats, an hour later you heard her heals stumping up the stairs and quickly stood smoothing the wrinkles out the gown from sitting. She swung the door open costume ripped and face scuffed, real great you choose the perfect day to act out shes probably looking for any reason to take that frustration out on you "What are you being such a little bitch on a day like this?" "Im sor-" "If you were sorry you wouldn't have done it in the first place, go down stairs and apologize to Rumi. Now!" "Yes ma'am." 

You quickly hurried down stairs and found Mirko dressed and setting the table "Oh bunny, how do I look?"

You quickly hurried down stairs and found Mirko dressed and setting the table "Oh bunny, how do I look?"

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"You look nice." You walked fully over to her and took some of the plates out her hand "Rumi im sorry I was being rude to you, you didn't deserve that." She smiled and patted your head "I forgive you." The two of you had just finished setting the table when you head Midnight coming down the stairs,

Miriko left you standing at the table to grab some napkins and Midnight walked up to you and yanked you to her by your wrist "Your not off the hook, once dinner is over-" "We're here!" She let you go and swirled around with a huge smile on her fac...

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Miriko left you standing at the table to grab some napkins and Midnight walked up to you and yanked you to her by your wrist "Your not off the hook, once dinner is over-" "We're here!" She let you go and swirled around with a huge smile on her face "Hey Mic!" She hugged him before moving to give Aizawa a kiss on the check "Sweetness give out guest a greeting." When you hesitated her eyes narrowed "Listen brat-" She was cut off by Mic pulling you into a hug "Oh go easy on her Yama, she looks scared half to death already. What happened now?" Midight rolled her eyes when you slowly hugged him back "Shes being a little brat." Aizawa shook his head "Im sure its just a misunderstanding, what happened F/n?" 

"I was being a brat, i'll admit it, but I apologized already." Mic laughed "Like saying sorry is gonna get you out of a punishment when it comes to Midnight theres no way, alright go give Aizawa his hug cutie."  He let you go and you hugged Aizawa before going back to stand next to Midnight "Oh! Congratulations on your engagement." They both smiled "Thanks F/n." Midnight pointed them to the dining room to get settled "If you behave for this dinner maybe, just maybe, your punishment wont be so harsh." You followed her to the dining room and took your seat between her and Mirko.

The dinner went by much to fast and you know in Midnight's eyes you were not behaving how she thought you should be. You accidentally spilled your cup on yourself, refused to eat something Miriko put on your plate, 'made a fuss' about giving Mic a kiss on the check for his goodbye, and to top it all off you accidentally called Midnight her hero name instead of Kayama or any approved nicknames. When their car was fully out the driveway Midnight grabbed you and dragged you to the dinning room once more. She pushed you onto your knees and sat in her chair looking down at you "You better start begging before I finish my last cup of wine because if you dont your not gonna be sitting for weeks."

(727 Words)

Requested by: yolotwin48

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