The 𝔻𝕒𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕣 Of My Enemy Is My 𝔻𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘{All Might}

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You were sat at the table your head in your hands, crying, the rumors are true your Dad the great villain All For One was captured and will spend the rest of his days in Tartarus. You haven't seen him in years, not since your kidnapping, and you find out threw the news that theres absolutely no chance of seeing him again even if you did get saved or managed to escape. You heard footsteps and quickly started wiping your face and put on that all to wide smile. All Might walked in the kitchen "Food smells good honey." You stood from the table trying to steady your breathing as you headed back to the pot still smiling. Thats one of his many rules for you, you must smile in his presents always, hes not around a lot so its not that big a deal but lately hes been home more and your jaw was starting to ache randomly from it.

You got lost in your thoughts about your father's imprisonment and came back to a hand being placed on your shoulder "Honey?" You turned to him so he grabbed your chin and tilted your head up to look at him "Fix your face, you look like your father when your not smiling." L̶̙͔̉̓ờ̴̱ŏ̶̥k̴̬͖͂ ̷̳̉̒l̶̜̊͠i̷̢̔k̴̺̏͗e̸̫̊̾ ̴̡͉̈y̷̜̌ȏ̶̰͌ů̴̪ŕ̴͖ ̸̹̳͠f̶̥͍͌à̶̤t̶͎̄h̶̯͛́ḙ̵͠r̸͎̭̈̏  your eye twitched once as your grip on the wooden spoon tightened, you swung it at him but he was faster ripping the spoon from your grip and dropping you to the floor holding you there with his knee pressed in your back and one hand holding both your wrist to keep your hands pined to your back.

He tsked at you "I thought we got over this stage already dear." "Fuck you 'hero' scum!" He sighed before landing a hard smack to your thigh using the spoon causing you to gasp and yell out in pain, he put all his strength into that hit your sure of it "And now you sound like him, dont make me make you wash your mouth out with soap." You kept struggling against his hold, he tsked again and again the spoon landed on your other thigh with more strength then the last "Ah! Fuck!" 

He shook his head "Frowning, cursing, fighting back, how many rules are you going to break today?" You started crying as your body went limp no longer trying to free yourself from his always tightening grip. After a few more minutes he was sure you were done and helped you to your feet as you sobbed from the pain of the two quickly forming whelps on the back of your thighs "Sit." He pointed to the wooden chair and you shook your head, the whelps would be positioned right on the edge of the chair the sharp ends poking them. He cocked his brow gripping the wooden spoon so hard you could see the veins in his hand so you sat letting out a little yelp as the whelps made contact with the chair.

He shook his head "And here I thought you were finally starting to behave enough for more privileges, but here we are again. Tell me do you enjoy having the same amount of privilege as a house cat?" You didn't answer causing him to walk over and grab your chin once more, you put on a smile threw the tears "No dear." Another rule, always refer to him as an honorific. He let go handing the spoon back to you "Than act like it." 

(608 Words)

Requested by: brycie27

{The title is a nod to the saying "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"}

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