Deaf {Shinsou}

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When you first moved to his class Shinsou didn't have high hopes, he assumed you'd be just like everyone else to scared to even give him a glance. That was until he saw Present Mic sigh that your seat was next to his.

You took your seat then gave him a smile but before he could even smile back a note was passed to you

Dont answer him! He'll brainwash you!

You crumbled the paper up and threw it back at the sender before writing your own note to him 

Sorry those people are mean to you, I know you wont use your quirk for evil. And if you do it wont work on me anyways, F/n L/n, nice to meet you!

He couldn't help but smile, for the rest of the class you two pasted notes ignoring the glances of your other classmates. You two spent almost every waking hour with each other, you even taught Shinsou JSL so you two could communicate better. But being attached at the hip didn't stop the other kids from borderline harassing you, trying to get you to leave Shinsou because they were 'worried' about you.

He could tell in your eyes the harassment was starting to wear you down and it hurt him. Hurt him to know you were hurting because of him and hurt him to know you were thinking about dropping him for your own heath. He cant let it happen! Your his only friend! His crush! His future wife! They cant take you away from him! ...He wont let them.

(262 Words)

Requested by: happy_weirdio

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