Teenage Rebellion 3 {Mic + Midoriya}

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❣️ {For Mic only tho}

Your eyes shot open as you went tumbling off the bed, you curled into yourself and started sobbing until your alarm went off for school

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Your eyes shot open as you went tumbling off the bed, you curled into yourself and started sobbing until your alarm went off for school. You pulled yourself off the floor and washed your face before getting dressed, hopefully you look good enough. You walked into the living room to see Mic packing lunch "Hey little listener, how did you sleep?" You gave him a smile "Fine, you ready?" He nodded "Yeah head to the car I just have to grab my headphones." He handed you your lunch and you headed for the front door.

He doesn't understand why you continue to lie to him he can hear you wake up in a frenzy, he can hear you crying, and the black circles under your eyes are clear as day. He just wants to help you but you keep pushing him away. 

You two arrived at school and you went your separate ways, on the way to class you meet up with Midoriya "Hey- you doing ok?" "Yeah, why?" "You look like Aizawa-sensei." You laughed "Well arn't you so ni-" You were cut off by Bakugou's screams that made you jump out your skin. Your bottom lip wiggled and Midoriya watched your eyes glaze over as if you were gonna cry "I- I forgot my notebook in dad's care, see you in class!" Before he could say anything you booked it in the other direction. You didn't show up for home room so when the bell rung Midoriya started looking around for you.

He happened upon Mic in the process "Hi Mic-sensei, have you seen F/n?" Mic shook his head "Not since we go to school, why?" "She freaked out during Bakugou's hissy fit and never showed up for homeroom." Mic took his phone out and begain texting you

🎶Little Songbird🐦

Hey where are you, I heard you never showed for homeroom

I felt sick

I caught the train and went home

Im still not feeling well

Alright, i'll swing by during lunch and check on you

I'll even bring Mido

No its fine I just need some rest you dont need to waist gas im fine


Mic sighed as he showed Midoriya "Shes always doing this." Midoriya frowned "I know, she took off earlier before I could even ask if she was ok. Its clearly from the kidnapping thing, I wish she would let us help." Mic nodded "I do too, shes even stopped going see Hound Dog. I just wish I could wrap her up in my arms and never let her go." That struck a light bulb in the two mens heads....

You woke up the next morning, surprised you slept threw the night and you dont think you had a dream much less a nightmare. You stood and looked at the clock, your so late! You ran to the door and tried to open it but it wouldn't budge "Dad! Are you still home! I-im stuck!!" You felt like you might hyperventilate, you ran to the window only to find it locked up tight as well. You curled into yourself on the ground, what the hell is going on! After another second or two the door clicked and opened, you basically jumped into Mic's arms still crying.

He rubbed your back as he walked back in the room "Hey your ok." "T-The door, the door was stuck and-" Midoriya cut you off when he shut it back "Its not stuck, we locked it. We're worried about you F/n and since you wont let us in we'll have to keep you in. Its for your own good."

(664 Words)

Requested by: Mehar5675

Some of this fandom kills me... why do people ship Mic and Midoriya 😭 I found fan art while looking for the header image, they dont even associate in the anime like tf 

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