Pity {EraserMic}

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"Im not the traitor!" The cops, All Might, Aizawa, nor Nezu flinched at you screaming, your hands were in cuffs that prevented them from leaving the table or activating your quirk so they really had nothing to fear. All Might sighed "L/n where not saying you are, we just want you to be honest so this can all be over." "I am being honest! Im not the traitor!" Three days past in the room before All Might came in and released you apologizing profusely for the 'little mix up'. You were allowed to go home and come back to class the next day but nothing would ever be the same.

A week after the 'little mix up' you walked into the teachers lounge with tears streaming down your face as you dropped a huge stack of papers on Aizawa's desk "Whats this?" You sighed "Im dropping. This packet is my paper to drop out 1A, those are my dropping UA forms, thats to cancel my internship but im sure they were gonna drop me sooner or later anyways, the rest are my licences, ids, forms, permission slips, you know the extra stuff im not sure if I need to give back or not but dont want regardless. I've already cleaned everything out so i'll be on my way." Before anyone could say anything you were out the lounge and halfway down the hall.

~A Month Later~

Mic and Aizawa went to their little hole in the wall dinner for their date, they sat and waited for their server. You walked over with a notepad and pen "What can I start you off with?" Mic cocked his head to the side "L/n, what are you doing here?" You gave a hollow laugh, clearly fake but meant to mask true emotions of sadness and anger "Well after you guys told my parents I was the UA traitor they kicked me out, didn't even hear my side of the story out or that I was acquitted. So I work here for free and the guy who owns the place lets me sleep in the 'break room' and eat the rear messed up meals. I mean its better than sleeping under a bridge so again- What can I start you off with?" 

On the way home it was Aizawa to break first "She needs are help Hizashi. Sleeping in a smelly damp room, eating what must be maybe twice a week, and the bridge. A child shouldn't have to live like that." Mic nodded "I know Shota." 

The next day they came back and sat, you came over "What can I-" Mic grabbed your hands pulling you closer "Come live with us." Mic was smiling but you looked like you were ready to smack him "I dont want your pity." Your voice was so sharp even Aizawa flinched a bit "But you-" "But nothing. The way im living at the moment is because of you so dont come here and pretend to be my heroes when your the reason I need heroes. Order or leave me the fuck alone." You walked away to refill one of your tables drinks as Aizawa leaned over to whisper something to Mic before they left.

You were laying on the couch in the break room staring at the ceiling, just like every other night since you came to live in that crap hole. Your cant sleep, again and again cant sleep but you still have to open at 5. Suddenly you heard a noise come from the front and bolted to your feet snatching a broom and slowly making your way out to the front of the cafe, maybe stopping a break in could earn you a free fresh meal. You turned to look behind the counter and something hard and metal smacked the back of your head "Got her!" "Is your speaker dented?" "Yeah, but i'll just stay its from a villain fight, no biggie babe." Thats the last thing you heard before you blacked out fully.

You woke up with a familiar looking scarf tying you to the bed, what must have been ten minutes later the door opened but you already figured out who would be on the other side. Mic came bouncing in and quickly untied you, sat you up, and tied you back with little effort even as you fought your ass off to be free. Aizawa sat next to him holding a bowl of food and a cup of water. Mic took two blue pills our from his pocket and grab the glass of water, you tried to pull your head back causing him to shake his "Just headache relief silly, its alright." When you tightened your lips he sighed "Dont make me have to do this the hard way, I really dont want to." You took the pills without a fight since you wanted the throb of your head to stop, and feared the 'hard way' was going to be knocking you out again.

Once that was done Mic grabbed the bowl giving Aizawa back the cup "Eat, we know you haven't had a good meal in a while, then I promise we'll explain everything to you." You did, not wanting to be hit over the head again. Once you were done Aizawa moved closer beside Mic to start speaking "We're so sorry we falsely accused you of being the traitor and we're even more sorry you had to live the way you did-" Mic cut him off "So let us make this clear, this isn't out of pity, we're doing this because we want to help you not because we fell like we need to." Aizawa started again ruffling your hair "So go ahead and take a nap, you clearly haven't been sleeping well, when you wake up again it'll be dinner and we can talk more." 

(980 Words)

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