Nightmare {EraserMic}

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{Love writing age regression especially with erasermic}

Mic pulled Aizawa closer "Night Sho." Aizawa chuckled "Night Zashi." Both their eyes fluttered close and not a moment later the baby monitor next to them crackled to life with your short yelp and then cries. Mic stood followed by Aizawa, they both hurried to unlock your bedroom door and rush to your bedside. Aizawa undid your bindings to the bed so Mic could pull you up, you wrapped your arms and legs around his body crying into his shoulder "Whats wrong?"

You only blabbed around the hiccups and deep breaths but Mic caught the word nightmare "Oh did our sweet baby have a nightmare?" "Y-yeah." He started rubbing your back in soothing circles into your back as Aizawa left the room "You want me to tuck you back in, no chains this time." You latched onto him harder "Ok, ok calm down I wont let you go. You wanna come sleep with me and Sho?" You looked up from his shoulder eyes red and puffy causing him to frown, he wishes he could help his poor baby more "Yes." "Alright come on." 

He walked out your room and back to his, he ploped back first onto his side so you could lay on his chest. A second later Aizawa came back with your night cup, the one that doesn't spill when you lay down, and handed it to you already full. He laid on his side so he could throw his hand over the both of you "Im going to bed but baby if Zashi agrees you can say up past your bed time just this once." Mic smiled "What do you say baby wanna go down stairs and watch some tv with me so Sho can sleep?" "Sure." He picked you up making sure you had your cup and brought you down stairs to watch some EraserMic approved shows until you feel asleep.

(344 Words)

Requested by: 707gaywife 

You requested either erasermic or mic so I did erasermic leaning more towards Mic hope thats good

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