Body {Hawks}

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Hawks opened the door with his normal smirk "Hey babe! Im home!" He walked in and saw you sitting on the couch with his mother just like before he left for work "Thanks for watching her mama." She stood with a nod as she started walking to her room "I bathed her a bit ago so shes still a bit damp, careful with her." Hawks smiled as he nodded at her before she vanished into her own room. He scooped you up and plopped back on the couch with you on his lap "I hope you had a good day, mine was alright but now that your in my arms its amazing."

He leaned back and turned the channel to his show as he snuggled closer to you. After a couple hours he noticed the time "Im gonna order dinner, you want anything?" "Alright, mama you want anything special for dinner!?" "No!" He pulled out his phone "Pizza it is." Soon the ring of the doorbell came and he moved you off his lap to answer the door. He came back and set the box down "Im gonna bring a slice to mama, you can start eating without me." 

After the pizza was gone he scooped you up "We should turn in, patrols got me more tired day by day." He brought you to his room and got you in to some pajamas before getting himself dressed. He flopped onto the bed and pulled your...cold...dead body closer to him "Night my dove." G̸̠̠͙̿̅͝ŏ̵̪̯o̷͇͓͖̕d̷̨̹͆̇͠ ̸̝̤̳̓̿n̷̞̭̰͑͝ĩ̸̢͚̣g̵̳̣͆͛ḥ̴̛̫͐̈́ẗ̵̻́͝͝ͅ ̸̪̓K̶̪͙͒ͅe̶̪̪̥͘i̴̦͒̂̒ģ̴͌͒o̷̟͚̙̿̉

 (256 Words)

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