Happy Birthday Hizashi! {Mic}

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Mic feels like shit. His two best friends, who hes known for fifteen years he might add, didn't remember his birthday. He would have been fine with just getting a happy birthday but no they said nothing to him all day. When he asked if they wanted to go out for drinks with him, hes treat, for his birthday they both gave him perplexed looks "Its your birthday?" He ended up canceling the 'birthday' plans since neither friend really seemed like they really wanted to go.

On the way to his car his car after a shitty day of dealing with shitty students his radio show called him, they need him to come in and do a 'birthday special' to get some extra views its a fucking Wednesday and they want him in the studio this short notice? He sighed, looks like home is gonna have to wait. Finally 5am rolled around and Mic was allowed to go home, not even his birthday anymore, he just wants to go to bed and forget that horrible day even happened. When he got home he knew you wouldn't be up to greet him at the door, and he was right the house was dark and quite.

He went to the bathroom to shower and change into some pajamas before heading up to his room. He stopped by your room and saw your bed, empty. It all became to much and he slid his back down to the wall and started crying, no sobbing. He put his head in his hands, not a minute later he felt a hand grab his shoulder "Mic?" Its you! He looked up at you, concern written all over your normally emotionless face as you got down on you knees next to him "Are you okay?" He shook his head no as you pulled him to lean against you "Its alright."

He let you pull him leaning on you as you ran your fingers threw his hair "You wanna go to bed or do you wanna see whats in the kitchen?" Whats in the kitchen? "Kitchen." You chuckled as you helped him up "Then come on." He let you drag him along and turn the lights in the kitchen on.

You turned on your heel "Happy Birthday Hizashi!" He was just staring at the candles "Yeah I may not be able to make a cake but I remember you tough me how to make the chicken you like

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You turned on your heel "Happy Birthday Hizashi!" He was just staring at the candles "Yeah I may not be able to make a cake but I remember you tough me how to make the chicken you like. You do like it right?" He smiled as the tears streamed down his face more "I- Your so thoughtful!" He yanked you off the ground and into a bear hug lightly twisting around a bit. "I love you!" "Yeah I know, now lets eat im starved." 

(491 Words)

Its my husbands birthday so yk I had to make some stories 🥳

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