Bed {Fuyumi}

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God she loves her students but sometimes they run her up the wall. As she stuck her key in the door she silently hopes you made dinner because lord knows she doesn't wanna. She opened the door "Mommy! How was your day?" She put on a smile as you stood from your position on the floor in front the tv "It was horrible baby, come here mommy needs a hug!" You hugged her as she kicked her shoes off behind her "We're gonna order out, anything specific?" You shook your head as she backwards walked you both over to the couch. She ordered from whatever restaurant was the closest and tossed her phone on the other side of the couch, just wanting it away from her.

You leaned over and kissed her forehead catching her off guard "Whats that about snow angel?" You shrugged as you climbed into her lap "I dont know, thats what you do when I feel bad so I thought maybe it would make you feel happy like it does me." She smiled, for real this time, as she petted your hair. Soon the doorbell rang and she quickly got the food before coming back to you on the couch, she made sure to ordered yours from the kids menu. After the little dinner she flipped on some cartoons for you and opened her grading binder "Momma, you should go to bed." She gave you a smile "I will once im done baby, if your tired you can go ahead-" 

You pouted "But when im tired you make me go to bed, your not being a good influence." She closed the binder with a sigh "Alright boo, come put mommy to bed then." You got excited as you dragged her off to the room and dug threw her drawer till you found a cute nightgown she barely worn, not sure why its pretty and its gonna be ever prettier on her. You slipped her outfit off and put the nightgown on before lightly pushing her towards her bed. You both slipped under the covers and you pulled her to your chest and started rubbing her head till you heard her lightly snoring "Night mommy, love you." 

(414 Words)

Requested by: thekigth

Fuyumi deserves to be spoiled!!

I spelled angel right this time mfs 🖕

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