Hurt {Midnight + Midoriya}

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{I saw so much gross ship art looking for a header image 🤮}

❣ For Midnight only

The sports festival was going full force, its the last few rounds and you intend to get score first place. You had to go up against Bakugou for that number one spot, and you thought you could put up a good fight until,

 You had to go up against Bakugou for that number one spot, and you thought you could put up a good fight until,

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Everyone froze. Midnight called the match off as she ran to you, who was lying on the ground no sign of moving. The little robots came out and placed you on their bed as they rolled you Recovery Girl's office. Midnight followed close behind and was soon joined by Midoriya.

Recovery Girl assured Midnight you would be fine after your nap before leaving to attended to other students "I knew I shouldn't have let her try to be a hero. Imagine if that was a real villain she was up against!" Midoriya placed a hand on her shoulder "Ms. Midnight, im sorry I shouldn't have let her beat me. wanted her to be happy but if I would have just won she wouldn't have had to go up against him."

Midnight gave him a smile "Would you like to make it up to me Midoriya?" He nodded "Then grab her top side, help me get her into the car." Midoriya nodded as he help Midnight pick you up and sneak you out the school.

You woke up to a pressure on your side, you turned over to see Midoriya in your bed "Ugh, is school already over?" "No, the sports festival is still going on." You tired to sit up but he pushed you back down "Hey dont freak, Midnight-sensei said it doesn't matter anyway because your not going back to school." "Im what?" You went to push him away but he grabbed your hands locking them to the headboard "Its to dangerous for someone as fragile as you."

(344 Words)

Requested by: shelbinator351

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