EraserMic As Parents

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*They got married right out of highschool with plenty of love to spear so when Midnight made a joke about wanting to be 'a rich aunt' it made them realize who they can give all that extra love to so they started looking at adoption agencies right away 

*They came across your file, both parents quirkless and an orphan because your mother just didn't want you 

*The second they saw your picture they knew you needed them so little and fragile and in need of loving parents 

*Then they got to meet you, Aizawa was afraid to hold you at first hes got rough hands that could easily snap a bone like a toothpick and your so tiny 

*Mic on the other hand was so giddy he scooped you right up, your so light so small he was careful making sure his arms were folded right and he was supporting your head enough as you opened your eyes staring at him as his eyes started to water

*The day they got to bring you home was a celebration, Midnight drove them so they could both sit in the backseat with you in your little carseat only a few months old but already smiling at your dad and papa

*Aizawa likes to call you things like; kitten, kitty, kitty cat, kitcat
Mic's nicknames are; little songbird, my little melody, chicken nugget, really any cheesy but sorta cute name he can think of at the time 

*She dropped them off promising to come back later after they got to spend some quality time with their new daughter

*They're busy, 5 jobs in total not to mention the side stuff that comes from those jobs, they mostly take you with them but sometimes they can't but they dont just leave you with just anyone, the list is small,
'Grandma Recovery Girl - Of course they trust her with you look who she is
'Grandpa Nezu - Hes a smart ?rat bear thing? {and a good grandpa, self proclaimed} 
'Aunt Midnight - They know the whole 18+ thing is an act she puts on for her fans/media and is actually very nurturing and motherly and wouldn't let anything to happen to you 
'"Uncle" Tensei - Hes taken care of his little brother so of course he can watch you 

*While other people arn't allowed to watch you alone they are allowed to hang out with you when they bring you to their jobs
'"Uncle "Hawks likes to fly you around {Not far off the ground but to a child its all the same} he likes to call you little dove
'"Uncle" FatGum always has snacks just for you and lets you chill on his shoulders, he calls you the snack monster
'"Aunt" Joke teaches you all the best puns and calls you her funny bunny 
'Mic's radio workers love you, he brings you in and you get passed around until the tiredness takes you then your placed in his office to sleep on the pull out couch till hes done
'The UA kids they teach at the time love when your dad's bring you to work, you get passed around 1A {When Aizawa's watching them train he uses his scarf like a baby carrier} or if you your with Mic your blabbering away as Mic teaches english, the gen ed students call you 'teachers helper'

*And theres are people your not allowed around at all 
'Endeavor - pretty obvious
'Miriko - They caught her trying to teach you how to break a nose, you dont need to fight your to sweet and innocent you can leave all that to your dads
'Snipe - He let you play with a gun and his only excuse was 'It was on safety' 
'Vladking - He just talks to much shit for their liking 

*As you get older the list of people your allowed around gets shorter until its only Midnight, Joke, Recovery Girl, and Nezu

*Other then Mic's radio show, the school, and Mic's agency you won't be going anywhere

*They homeschool you and move into the countryside so they can buy a huge house with many empty rooms to fill with whatever hobby you wanna try with a big backyard they put a play set and pool in for you so you dont ever get bored at home

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