Raccoon {Aizawa}

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Aizawa was laying in his bed with his eyes closed after a long day of work when he heard his bedroom door creak open. He heard the pitter-patter of you walking quickly over to his bed. He felt his bed dip as you crawled onto it, you leaned over shaking him a bit as you whispered "Shota." 

He opened his eyes slowly pretending he had been asleep "Mmh, yes kitten?" He noticed how scared you looked "I saw eyes outside my window." He shot up and started walking to your room capture weapon in hand. You followed as he walked up and opened your bedroom window to find... a wounded baby raccoon "Oh Shota get it before it falls! Its hurt!" He turned to you giving you a weird look, you walked up and grabbed the little thing rushing off to the bathroom him quickly behind you.

He helped you clean and bandage the poor creature up "You need to go to the store and get some kitten milk replacement." He gave you another weird look "Kitten, its a wild animal-" "Its hurt!" He sighed as he got up and came back with a little kitten bottle full of the replacement milk and handed it to you. He sat and watched you feed the thing before wrapping it in a towel and placing it on another folded towel to sleep "Can we keep it?" 

His eyes grew wide "No." You pouted, giving him puppy eyes "Please Shota~" He sighed, you love when you win "Fine, but it better not fight with my cats." 

(370 Words)

Ignore me living vicariously threw F/n...yeah I want a pet raccoon but its illegal were I live 

Im pretty sure that none of my og readers {the ones who started reading my first book while it was still fresh} interact with my content anymore and I wont lie it made me kinda sad when I realized that cuz I was gonna delete the book and quite writing cuz my book got no views or anything and then they came along and basically saved it/are the reason im writing today but now there all gone 😭 I love my new readers to tho, they may have saved it but yall keep it going 

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