Portal {1A + Aizawa}

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❣ {This is a Marvel x Bnha story}

The class was doing their normal training when a huge portal opened in front their training target, thinking it was the league they all got into their fighting stances behind their teachers. A girl who looked around their age was thrown threw the portal hitting the ground so hard it formed a  crater in the ground. You stood and scanned the class, none of their faces matched anyone you knew and so you got into a defensive stance. A grey rope thing came flying at you, you caught it and used it to toss the man who kinda looked like your fellow solder Bucky across the yard and straight threw a concrete wall.

The other people came at you all at once but that ended with them all in a pile defeated. You had just finished breaking the green haired boys arm and threw him with the rest when you heard a male voice behind you "Yo stand down!" You went to turn but you were suddenly so tired you just passes out.

When you awoke you were tied down to a chair by heavy binds, a ?rat? ?bear? thing in front you "Hello, im Mr. Nezu and you are?" "F/n." He nodded giving you a smile "Whats your quirk?" You cocked your head to the side in confusion and the animal things eyes grew wide "You defeated Eraserhead quirkless?" He quickly left the room. When he came back he found you had broken out your restraints and was examining the UA mantra poster on the classroom wall "Ms. F/n how would you like a chance to reform and come to UA instead of me sending you down to Tartarus?"

You thought for a moment, UA as he calls it seems to be some training camp for ?solders? maybe theirs something to get out of this "Yes sir." He smiled "Alright dear, lets take you to the 1A dorms to get you settled." You followed behind him and a women dressed like a dominatrix to a large red building. When you walked in the people you had fought this morning where standing around and when they saw you they all smiled.

The one that reminded you of Bucky led you to the stairs and up to the third floor, he stopped in front a door "This ones yours, I know you dont have anything but UA supplied you with everything you'll need to live and learn here. You were left alone to get settled until the next day when a blue haired boy who said his name was Iida was beating on your door for school. You sat at a desk Eraserhead assigned you and tried to ignore everyone's cherry greeting, introductions, and offers to eat lunch with them. 

It went on like this everyday and everyday you ignored them, if you really must answer them for something you simply nod or shake your head, something they dont seem to happy with but they never out right tell you that. They try and get you to smile as well but all it does is annoy you. 

Three years past and while you still only nodded or shake your head to them they still claim their your best friends. They drag you along with them and make you participate no matter how much you clearly despise it.

One day on the training ground you were getting ready to train fight with a classmate when a familiar portal opened to the side of you. You tried to run forward as two men stepped out the portal but Aizawa grabbed you trying to pull you behind him. You pushed past him and began to run "Dad!" Steve and Bucky upon hearing this rushed forward and tackled you to the ground in a bear hug "F/n we were so worried about you!" They continued to tell you how even though everyone else gave up they kept looking never giving up hope and how much they missed you these past three years. 

They both stood and Bucky helped you back to your feet, you were smiling for the first time in three years. The class nor Aizawa liked this, Aizawa came over and placed his hand on your shoulder pulling your back to his chest "Why did you just tackle my daughter?" Bucky scoffed as he sized the man up "I think you mean my daughter." He tried to pull you to him but Aiawa's grip tightened.

The rest of the class was about to step forward but one glare from Bucky had them all stopping in their tracks, except Bakugou who shot a blast at Steve that started a fight between Steve and Bakugou that then started a fight between Bucky and Aizawa. The fight ended when they both relized they were matched and no one would actually win. Steve was hurt pretty bad from one of Bakugou's explosions so he told Bucky he would go back and get wrapped up at home. Bucky decided to stay with you in this weird land.

You waved Steve off as Bucky whipped a bit of blood from the only cut he received during the fight with Aizawa. Once the portal closed Bucky turned to Aizawa "Thanks for looking after my daughter." "Yeah." He turned to the class dismissing them back to the dorms for the day, you brought Bucky to your dorm and showed him the decorations Aizawa bought you "Its nice and all sweetie but, dont you want to come home?"

You rushed to the door as you shushed him and pulled it open peaking around before closing, locking, and stuffing towels at the bottom of the door. Once that was done you stood and whispered "I dont think they'll let me in all honesty." He nodded before doing something on a weird watch and suddenly a portal opened in the middle of your room. Bucky picked you up "We'll see about that." He threw you into the portal and right into Steve's arms "Dont worry babygirl we wont let them keep you." Bucky jumped in after you closed the portal behind him.

Aizawa knocked on your door after finding out it was locked "F/n? Your late for class. You and that dad of yours sleeping in?" He wiggled the knob once more before a bad feeling fell into his gut and he kicked the door down to find your room empty.

(1085 Words)

Requested by: NightWing39

Wow a story where the yandere loses, that doesn't happen much here

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