Live In Nurse {Tomie Takami/Hawks' Mother}

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Living with the number two hero is, well its interesting to say the least. No your not his girlfriend, or wife, hell you two arn't even really friends, no you live with him because your his mothers live in nurse. That poor women has to have someone watching her almost 24/7 or she'll end up hurting herself because she acts like some mindless zombie who forgets to eat, sleep, and probably breath if you dont remind her half the time and the other half shes just aimlessly going with the flow and that could get her hurt. So you live with them doing everything she cant do for herself like preparing meals or helping with baths, but mostly she just sits on the floor and watches tv. Hawks pays well, very well, so your fine with 'devoting you life' to care for her in this way.

"F/n dear." You put the laundry basket down by the couch and bent down next to her "Yes Tomie?" She slowly lifted her hand to point at the black tv "It wont turn on." You grabbed the remote and pushed the power button, it turned on just fine." She gave you a weak smile "Thank you dear." "Your very welcome." You stood back up and took your seat on the couch to start folding her clothes as you watched her get excited over seeing a clip of Hawks' doing some hero work.

A few hours later Hawks came in with a women trailing behind him, probably another hook up, for a man consumed with hero work he sure gets a lot of women to come home with him. "Ms. L/n, mama, how was your day?" You gave him a professional smile "She mostly just watched tv, she said you looked very cool out there." He laughed "Thank you mama." He gestured to the lady behind him who gave you a small wave "This is Ms. R/n. I really appreciate you L/n, you care for mama non stop on your own without a fuss for a raise or vacations this whole time. It took forever to find someone I could rely on like I can you so im giving you a two month vacation for all the work you've done on your own sorry I cant give you more, it'll be a paid vacation of course. Once you come back we'll figure out a good work scheduled for the two of you to work in sync." 

You gave Hawks a smile, a real smile "Thank you sir, I really appreciate this." You went to your room to pack what you'll want to bring with you before going back out to the kitchen "Guess i'll see you both in two months, good luck Ms. R/n." You bent down and kissed Tomie's forehead "I'll see you in two months alright?" Her hand shot up faster then ever before and grabbed your wrist with straight you didn't know she possessed "Your leaving me?" Tears welled in her eyes, you felt back you've been with her everyday all day for what must be a year and a half now so of course shes upset "No, no, im just going to rest for a bit, i'll be back really soon. Promise." She let go and sunk into her seat, you really hope she doesn't give R/n trouble just because she misses you.

You left and went to the apartment Hawks got for your two months away and just laid on the couch staring at the ceiling, what now? For a year you've always been busy doing something for Tomie, you haven't 'rested' for a long time, it feels weird to be this opened scheduled? Bored? You sighed, this is gonna be a long two months. Its only been a week and your already bored out your mind, you were trying to find a channel on the tv that interested you when you phone rang. You quickly snatched it up 'Boss Man'  

"Hey Hawks, need something?" You could hear the annoyance in his voice as clear as day when he started talking "Sorry to cut your vacation short but I need you back here, quickly if you can my lunch breaks almost over." "May I ask why?" He sighed in annoyance, you know its not at you but at what hes about to explain to you "R/n, she just vanished. I came home for lunch to check on her and see how things were going and opened the door to see my mom laying on the floor with a gash on her forehead pooling blood onto the floor. She said the nurse left to get her a snack while she was watching the tv and when she didn't come back for what felt like hours she went looking for her and hit her head and fell." "Oh no."

"So can you-" "Im already walking to the train station, be there in maybe 10." You opened the door to see Hawks sitting on the couch with Tomie how had a bandage the right side of her forehead that was already soaking threw with blood. Hawks pointed to you smiling at his mother "Mama look!" She slowly turned and when she saw you putting on your house shoes a smile spread across her face "Your back!" She tried to stand but Hawks quickly caught her sitting her back down "Stay seated Tomie, you might still be a bit dizzy." She nodded as you sat next to her letting her wrap you in a tight hug. 

Hawks stood and grabbed his hero jacket "Sorr-" You shook your head "Its fine, your not the one that should be sorry its R/n." Hawks nodded "Yeah she left all her stuff and everything, I dont know i'll report her to her boss tonight, bye mama have fun with L/n-san." "Oh I will."

(977 Words)

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