Little Sister {Bakugou Family}

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"Katsuki! F/n! Breakfast!" You sat up and rubbed your eyes before heading down to breakfast to see you were the first one down, of course you were Katsuki had to get dressed for school. A few minutes later he came down and ruffled your hair as he sat "Can I bring my friends over after school?" Masaru shrugged "I dont see why not." You saw him off before going back to your room to power up your computer for homeschool. You wished you could go to actual school like Katsuki but your quirkless and quirkless people arn't treated to kindly where you live so staying home is the best course of actions for your safety.

You finish school while the morning is still early since its just assignment after assignment and its not like you have anything better to do. You'll go sit in your parents studio and watch them work, while Katsuki has a dream of being a hero which was realistic to him of course, yours was more realistic to you. You wanna be a fashion designer like your parents but not just any fashion designer you want to create hero suits. Of course your parents supported this, it was such a safe career, surrounded by heroes in a secure building it was like a dream come true for them hell you're sure you remember them dancing when you told them your dream. 

And your good at it, you did the blueprints for Katsuki's outfit for him and well you haven't heard a complaint. Once a certain time passed you left the studio swung by the kitchen to grab two juices and sat by the chair by the door. A few minutes later the door opened "Hey Kats!" You handed him one of the juices. His scowl left his face and it was replaced by a smile "Thanks sis." Four people behind him gave him a weird look after the smile came on his face. You leaned to get a better look at them "Hi! You must be Kats friends, nice to meet you." 

A red haired boy lifted you in the air for a hug "Shes adorable!" The girl with pink skin was next to you now "Awe baby Bakugou." Next a boy with a mullet "You never told us you had a sister dude." Kaminari smirked "A cute sister." Bakugou turned to him "I'll kill you." and Kaminari raised his hands in surrender "Come on man dont be like that, im just messing man." You then heard your parents "Oh you must be Katsuki's friends, nice to meet you. Come on F/n lets leave Katsuki and his friends be." Kirishima smiled "We dont mind bring her along if she wants to come." 

Your mom frowned but looked to you "Can I mom? Please?" You know the look on her face good and well, the look of 'Im sorry the answers no, this is for your own good.' but before she could speak Katsuki was next to you "I'll watch her mom." She still looked like she was about to say no but Masaru smiled "Alright, you kids have fun. Be back before 7." Normally Katsuki's curfew was 11 but of course they wanted you home before the sun even started setting, its for your own good.

Katsuki changed and you all headed out, after you agreed to hold his hand the whole time. "Why didn't Izu-kun come with you?" He rolled his eyes "I told you were not friends, and stop calling shitty deku that." Kirishima nudged you and whispered "We'll bring him for you next time mini Bakugou." Mina laughed "New nickname!" You laughed as you all came upon the UA gates "Wow." Sero picked you up putting you on his shoulders "Gonna come here and be a hero like your brother?" "Nah, hero life isn't for the quirkless. Im gonna make hero suits." Shit, you told them you were quirkless. Where they gonna ask Katsuki to bring you home or start being me- "Thats a great job to have, maybe you can help with my suit design its getting a little stale." 

They sat you in a chair on the side of them gym as they trained their amazing quirks. After you all stopped by a little cafe and got some grub, well you only got a sweet since you didn't train you weren't that hungry. After they all went their separate ways and you and Katsuki started heading home. He opened the door to the house, you fast asleep on his back. Mitsuki gave him a look "Dont bring your friends to this house again, especially that blond one." Bakugou scoffed "I wasn't planning on it, trust me."

(791 Words)

Requested by: Chelmsford10

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