Cant Sleep {EraserMic}

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{Age can be interpreted as older child or teenager they treat like a child, you pick}

Your stood in the doorway of you k̶i̶d̶n̶a̶p̶p̶e̶r̶s̶   parents dark room, stuffed bear in hand. Mic's laying on his side peacefully sleeping after tucking you in and Aizawa's still out on patrol. You cant decided if you should go back to your room to toss and turn until you just pass out or crawl into their more comfortable bed.

Suddenly you were picked up and placed on Aizawa's hip "Its past your bedtime little one." He turned and started walking back to your bedroom "Wait." "No, like I said its past your-" "Can I sleep in your bed?" Aizawa swore he could fill his heart melt "Of course you can." He brought you back and placed you on his side "Im gonna jump in the shower then i'll come ti bed alright." "Ok."

Mic rolled over rubbing his eye "F/n? Dear what are you doing?" "Cant sleep, dad said I can lay here." He smiled "Come here boo." He pulled you onto his chest lightly rocking you as he hummed."

Aizawa walked into the room in his fresh pajamas to find his daughter passed out on his husbands chest who is also fast asleep, both holding each other. He couldn't not take a picture, and of course he had to make it his home screen. He laid on his own side facing them as he drifted of himself.

(250 Words)

Requested by: ThatOneAnnoyingBesties

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