Find It In Your Heart {Villain Aizawa}

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Hey! Whats got you calling into my show?" You let out a little laugh from the other end of the phone "Wanna request a song." Lie, your patrolling a completely empty and ominously quite street at 3 in the morning and all the streetlights are apparently broken, you just wanna hear your friends voice but admitting that on air would be bad for public appearance and admitting that to Mic would mean never ending teasing. "Well then what song can I hook you up with?" It really didn't matter the song request since your not even listening to the show but you still requested one of your favors before the call ended.

Your a pro hero for god sake, put on your big girl panties and finish your patrol- What the fuck was that!? Kinda sounded like someone hit something metal with something else metal. You took a deep breath and turned "Hello!?" Silence. "If your a teenager curfew has been called and you need to go home before I drag your but to the police station!" Again silence, until the sound of a metal pipe making contact with the back of your head rung out. You hit the ground the shock rendering you temporarily paralyzed, whoever hit you came to stand in front you raising the pipe above their head.

Is this really how your going to die? Its all gonna end in some dark dingy alley at the hands of a villain? The pipe started coming down but everything seemed to be in slow motion as you relized, you'll never get to go on that girls trip you and Midnight have been talking about, you'll never get to go on Hizashi's show like you've been promising him you would for months now, you'll never get to tell Shinsou how proud of the progress hes made you are, you'll never get to read Eri another bedtime story, you'll never get to see your class become heroes, wont get to visit Shota's grave one last time.

Everything went black as the pain slowly faded away...

...Your eyes slowly fluttered open only to be attacked by the bright lights above "Ugh." The lights dimmed "Sorry about that." The person who spoke helped you sit up before putting a few pills and drink some water before laying you back down. Are you in the hospital? Did someone come along and find you in time? Your heads wrapped in bandaged, your in a hospital gown, your hooked up to IVs, and someones helping you take medication this has to be a hospital. Did they call your emergency contact yet? Is Mic on his way because you'd love a hug right about now "Nu-rse?" A dark laugh sounded from the man "Oh kitten im not a nurse, but you are in a hospital...sorta."



You didn't want to ask but it slipped out your mouth before you could stop yourself "Sho?" A hum came from the man as he rubbed your arm with his finger tip "Yeah, your getting it now." "How- Your... your dead?" He tsked his tough "I faked my death. I'll try and dumb it down because I know you heads still a bit fuzzy huh. I relized the whole hero society is shit, so I killed some piece of shit villain and used his blood to make it look like I was killed and my body was dragged off. Im sorry I had to leave you but I had to gain a few favors before I could get you so that you could be safe."

Suddenly a door somewhere off to the side opened up "Hello Aizawa- Oh is she finally awake?" "Hello Dr. Garaki, yes she just woke up actually." "Alright, im sorry to cut this reunion short but master would like to see you, now. I promise to watch over her while your gone." Alright, thank you doctor." Aizawa grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles "Im sure you'll find it in your heart to forgive me one of these days." He stood placing your hand genitally back down as he walked off leaving you to start fading out of consciousness as the doctor checked the screens next to your bed.

(746 Words)

Do yall remember Purble Place? Cuz I went to look it up, cuz I was feeling nostolgic and wanted to play it again, AND YOU CANT 😭 its to old for me to play on my computer and im fucking sad now

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