Protect {ShinKami}

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Neko darling begins to understand that they are just trying to protect them 

-I think you would realize they were trying to protect you from the danger of the outside world when you escaped after being with them for so long

-You were walking down a street clearly disoriented when a guy stopped you asking if you wanted help

-You said yes and thanked him, you asked where the police station was and he said he would take you 

-You two started walking, you guys turned the corner onto an empty road and he stopped before pushing you into a dark alley

-Before he could do anything he was punched so hard he got knocked out 

-You looked up "Hitoshi!" you jumped up and threw yourself into his arms

-Everything they said came flooding back to you like how the world is a cruel place, how evil people are, how they would take advantage of your naivety, how you wouldn't last a day without their protection

-Your grip on him tightened as you started to apologize

-He got you into the back of Kaminari's car and they whispered the whole way home

-Or you thought they were going home, in reality they pulled up to your old apartment

-"Kitten we love you to much to keep hurting you, if you went threw all that just to get away from us then we think its best we just let you-" "No!" You basically jumped into the front seat onto Kaminari's lap gripping his shirt in a tight hold "Dont leave me! Its scary out here! People want to hurt me! Use me! Please I need you! I need heroes to keep me safe!"

-You keep rambling but eventually they'll calm you down and get you home...their guys home, where nothing will ever be able to get you

(312 Words)

Requested by: LoriBannon

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