Marry {Siren Mic}

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{Quirkless AU, set in olden times}

You sat on the deck of the boat, the other riders and the crew had went to sleep long ago leaving you with just the clear night sky and your thoughts. Suddenly a hand was clasped on your shoulder causing you to jump, you quickly looked up and let out a sigh of relief, just the captain Shota Aizawa "You need something cap?" "Whats with the pout? You used to love sailing out." You gave a laugh of remembrance, when you were young your dad would take you on his business trips so you got to ride the boats a lot. Your favorite part was when he would tell you stories he heard from the crew and his friends of krakens, the bumita triangle, and such before bed.

Those days are long over though, he had to go out for a business trip but you got sick and couldn't go. The ship he was on never made it to the dock, its still missing to this day. Your mother had to remarry to survive you guys needed money and she couldn't work, your step father never took you on his business trips and refused to let you ride alone just for fun so you haven't set sail in some time. But he was all to happy to buy you a pass to this one when he found out how much is colleague was willing to pay him for his son to marry you. Your mother hugged you and gave you your bag and now your here, halfway to the personal hell your gonna have to live in for the rest of your days

"Im getting married." Aizawa knelt on one knee looking at your pouty face better "Why is that a bad thing? What taking one more cruise out before settling down and now you've got cold feet or something? Wanna talk it through, hell I wish ya would have told me I would have let you steer the boat like old times a-" "Let me rephrase that, my step father sold me to his colleagues son, this isn't my 'last cruise' your bringing me to him." Aizawa grimaced, he never did like your step dad, he was best friends with your father Oboro and like a second father to you. He was the one to normally bring you and your dad to the business meetings letting you stay on the ship and play captain while your dad worked but his ship had caught a rock so your dad had to sail on a different boat that wretched day.

You know he blames himself, he came around a lot after offering your mother help but she refused to take handouts. When she remarried he came by a few times to ask to take you on the ship, he'd even do it free of charge, he just missed having you on the ship but your step dad always refused and eventually Aizawa stopped coming over. He wrapped his arm around you in a way that was supposed to be comforting "Sorry catfish, we should get down in the sleeping corders thought." You cut him off before he could start the next sentence a cocky grin across your face because even after all these years you still remember it word by word "Sirens come out around this time and ya dont wanna be falling for a fish now do ya?" He laughed slapping his knee as he stood "Guess I told you that story one to many times huh, come on fair maiden lets get drunk and forget our sorrows!"  

You frowned "Im not old enough to dri-" He put his finger to his mouth with a smile "Come on, your parents sold you and your husband hasn't put a ring on that finger that makes you a free women at the moment. Make your first decision before its too late." You laughed, you guess hes right your parents have made every decision for you and your husband will make everyone in the future, this is the only choice you'll ever get to make for yourself. "Fuck it, lets get drunk!" He laughed pulling you to his side, did you say second father? Maybe more of a fun uncle really.

You woke up on Aizawa's bed to the ship moving way to much "Why did I agree to have my first drink on a boat ?" Aizawa sat up from his makeshift bed of sheets and shirts where he slept on the floor "Why did I let you take the bed is the real question?" You laughed before you were both thrown to the other side of the room "What the fuck!" "Shit, a storm!? Its supposed to be clear sailing!" He stood and did his best run with the way the ship was shaking, not knowing what to do you followed the only person you felt safe with as he made his way to the helm. He threw the door open and found the crew mate he left to steer for the night just staring out in space a blissed out look on his face.

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