Hero's Duty {EraserMic}

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Mic was walking back from the grocery store when he saw a huge crowd of people, as he made his way through the crowd he hoped its not a villain since he doesn't have his support gear. He made his way and finally saw a cop "Whats going on officer?" "Just a quirk manifesting accident, go about your day sir." Sir? Oh! Hes not in Present Mic attire of course they didn't recognize him. Thats fine that just means he has no obligation to engaged he can go home. That was till he saw you lying on the ground out cold.

He started frantically searching his pockets till he finally found his hero licence "Voice hero: Present Mic, whats actually going on?" The cop lifted the warning tape and he immediately ran over to you and picked you up making sure to wrap you around him so you dont fall. The cop came running over "Shes one of my students, can I get a briefing?" "Reports say the little girl was freaking out and she tried to help. A burst of light came out the girls eye and hit her in the face causing her to black out." "Whats the girls quirk?" "Dont know yet, her mother has amnesia and her father has disco ball." 

He nodded "Does she need medical attention?" "No, well no as far as we seen. We we're just gonna call her emergency contact-" "I'll watch her for now, with not knowing what the quirk is I would like to not endanger others." The cop smiled "Doing a hero's duty even when off the clock, Japan's lucky to have you, have a nice day Present Mic-san."

"Shota!" Aizawa rounded the corner connecting the kitchen and living room and froze "Why is L/n unconscious in your arms?" "She was hit with a weird quirk and I was the first hero on scene." Aizawa nodded as he took you and placed you on the couch "Go get a cold rag her face feels hot." Mic nodded as he booked it to the kitchen. You woke up not long after they both sat on the other couch to watch you "Uh, my head." "L/n?" You looked up at them in confusion "Who?" Mic smiled "You baby doll, how ya feeling?" He got up from his spot next to Aizawa and sat next to you feeling your head.

"I have a headache, who are you?" "Im your dad silly. You got hit with an amnesia quirk while we were out shopping earlier. Its alright me and your papa are gonna help you remember."

(436 Words) 

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