Survival {Bakugou}

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Fantasy AU

Bakugou cant decided if he should be frantic or furious, if you'd ask the search party hes currently yelling at they would say hes a heavy mix of both. He came home from a quest to find the window broken and you no where to be found. He knows he tells you your stupid a lot but he didn't think you were actually stupid, till now. Sure half the reason he locked you up was to keep you in but the other half was to keep the things of the woods out

Where the two of you are from the weak are left to die, its not worth wasting dwindling resources on those who cant help replenish them. Bakugou hunted, gathered, and trained twice as hard to help you and because of that you made it threw your adolescent years. But that didn't make the village like you any better, your still weak and you still arn't holding your own, so the kicked you out. Bakugou, even though he was to one day be crowned king left with you. You guys lived in his friend's, the dragon Kirishima, cave for a while but after a rock slide that almost ended you he build a cabin in a small clearing within the begaining of the dark woods.

After a while he randomly stopped letting you leave the cave without explanation causing you to crave to walk the forest trails again. He told you time and time again that you had to survival skills and that the woods were dangerous, that he was trying to find a new place to live but till then you had to stay inside. Hes been looking for a while and you came to your own conclusion that hes lying just to keep you inside because your 'too weak' well you'll show him!

You tripped over an overgrown tree root and went tumbling down the steep hill landing in a small muddy pond. You trudged out plopping yourself onto the ground with a huff. Your littered in cuts and bruises, out of breath lungs burning with every intake of air, you dont know where the fuck you are anymore, and now your socking fucking wet and cold! You managed to pick up a chair and toss it out the window effectively breaking it and just booked it without a second thought, maybe you should have taken a moment to pack some things like a map. 

You've watched Bakugou and Kirishima live off the land for a few years, what would Bakugou do if he were lost, hurt, and cold? You sighed, he wouldn't be in a situation like this because he actually knows what hes doing. Hes strong, a born warrior, your just some runt he took pity on. You threw yourself to the ground to lay on your back and rub your cut up face, stopping quickly when your cuts started burning. Bakugou's right, you really wouldn't have lived this long without him.

"What do we have here?" You shot to sit up and look around, in the shadow's of the thick trees you could only see golden eyes shining in the darkness "Whats wrong little one, your bleeding." You scrambled to your feet "I- I tripped, if im in your territory I really didn't mean to intrude. I'll just see myself out!" The thing laughed "Oh please dont worry yourself sick dear, my domain is open to all that are scared and/or lost." Wow, your that readable huh, the thing walked out the shadows. Its a huge black panther looking thing with a scar under one of its eyes golden eye "What cant find your way back?"

"Im not trying to get home, the opposite actually." The things eyes flickered with something that made you uneasy as it approached you, it begin to circle you "Oh, well your welcomed to stay with us for as long as you like." "U-us?" You heard a twig snap and turned to the shadows again to see two more sets of eyes, one a hypnotic bright red and the other is a deep lustful purple. They came out the shadows, the purple eyes belonged to a large deep black lynx like thing and the red to a bright yellow jaguar that was bigger then the other two but not by very much.

The purple one rubbed against you "Poor thing, no family?" You sighed "They abandoned me a long time ag-" The golden eyed one pounced on your back knocking you to the ground with a pained huff. All you could do was wiggle helplessly the other two beast approach closer. The yellow one laughed a bit "Naive, good job Shota, those kinds always taste the best." A sultry laugh came from the purple eyes one "Now come on you two arn't you a bit to old to be playing with your food." The beast above you laughed in return "But thats the best part Kayama." You were to stunned to do anything other then start crying. "Shh little meal, struggling will only make this a lot more painful... for you at least."

You started to actually sob at that point. The beast the others referred to as Shota opened his mouth as wide as he could, his teeth look sharp and painful. He leaned down as you squished your eyes shut awaiting the pain. Suddenly the pressure on your back was gone, you opened your eyes to see Shota hit a tree and stumble off into the woods. They one with purple eyes followed him out of concern but the red eyed one jumped over you and onto your savior. A howl of pain sounded before it half limped half ran off to follow the other two blood dripping from uts side.  

You turned and saw Bakugou breathing hard, he had four claw marks going down his shoulder to his chest and a bloody knife in his hand "Kats!" You basically jumped up and onto him for a hug. His arms swooped under your but to lift you up as he turned away from the pond. You saw his friends all looking over to the two of you "Is she okay!?" "Does she need healing?" "Bakugou your bleeding dude!" He turned to them "We're both fine dumb asses go home....but, thanks, or whatever."

They all went up the hill and headed back to their village. After a few minutes of him catching his breath he started walking the way you assume is the cabin "How did you manage to find me?" He pulled out a piece of your clothing that got caught in a thorn bush and ripped off when you fell out his pocket "You know im good at what I do. But you, you walked right into those predators trap. They didn't even have to try that hard and you fell right for it." You pouted, hes right. You looked at his bleeding gashes "Im sorry." "Its alright, your just lucky I made it in time. Now do you understand why you cant leave the house?" You nodded as you buried your face into his neck. 

(1194 Words)

Requested by: 2prettybsfss

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