Replaced {Endeavour}

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You heard the front door open and then slam closed. You heard him and Shoto get into a little argument before Shoto left the house and now hes stomping down the hall as Fuyumi yells after Shoto to come back inside, he must have come back since Fuyumi quit yelling. The door to the room slid open and close faster than you could look up from the photo book you were looking threw "What do you have?" You looked up at him "Photos." He nodded as he started changing out his hero suit "Why dont you ever go out in the garden anymore or talk to your own children, dont you think they miss their mother." You rolled your eyes, no point in arguing with a crazy person. 

Suddenly the door flew open again and Fuyumi put on that scared smile she wore a lot lately "Dinner." You both nodded, Endeavour left out the room and you picked the book up before heading to the table. You walked into the kitchen and saw everyone sitting in their seats at the table. Endeavour at the head of the table, Shoto on the side of him, Shoto's friend Bakugou or as Endeavour makes you all call him Touya, on the other side of the table was Fuyumi, next to her was one of Endeavour's sidekicks he makes you all call Natsou. You sat at the other side of the end of the table having to face Endeavour, everyone calls you Rei

What a p̸̞̣͗ë̶̤́ŗ̶̘͛͗f̴͇̬̑ę̵͐͋c̸͙͚̒t̶͙̬́́ ̴̹̊͑f̵̨̛̿a̴̟̫̒̿m̷̢̾i̸̥͒͜l̸͖̏̇y̶̬̏͒  you all are

(261 Words)

Requested by: brycie27

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