Jealousy {Midnight}

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🚧Teacher x Student Relationship, but it does say your a third year, dont like dont read🚧

Midnight was walking with some other teachers to the training grounds when she heard you "Kayama!" She quickly turned around to see you jobbing over to her waving with one hand and holding something in the other. "Hi moonlight." You stopped in front her and handed her a bento box wrapped in a deep purple and black furoshiki with white constellations "You forgot your lunch this morning." She took it and planted a kiss on your forehead "Thanks dear." You smiled "Your welcome, I better get going though Aizawa's not playing around anymore 'third years should know better then to waist time' he says." She watched you run off to catch up with your friends.

 The summer after second year she confessed to you and now you two share an apartment and the relationships going great so far. Sure you two get a few weird glances and a couple whispers behind your backs but that means nothing when you two have other. Midnight always says let those people judge, their just mad they'll never have what you two have. She saw you catch up with your group and Sero throw his arm around you playfully shaking you as everyone rounded the corner.

"Midnight!" She turned back to Mic "Yall are adorable but we gotta go survey the new first years girl, come on!" Right, sorry, coming!" Later during lunch she stood outside the teachers lounge waiting for you when he phone buzzed, 


Hey Yama, sorry im canceling but me, Sero, Mido, and Tsu are
gonna work on our project in the library instead of eating lunch

Ill make it up to you, promise😘

Alright, good luck boo🥰


She headed over and peaked into the library to see you all sitting around a table with text books, papers, and a markers. She hung around the library till the bell rang, she walked by with a stack of text books "F/n mind giving me a hand?" "Sure!" You grabbed some and walked with her to her classroom before heading to your own class. 

At the end of the school day Midnight slung her arms around your neck from behind "Ready to head home?" You gave her a sad smile "Im heading to the library to finish the project, but I promise i'll be home for dinner." She frowned but nodded "Alright, see you at home then." You hopped in Midoriya's car and a few minutes later Midnight hopped in her own and followed a few car lengths behind you guys. She watched you all get out and head in, she waited a few minutes in her car before going in and looking around. She found you guys at the back working on the finishing touches of the project.

She stayed behind the book shelf and watched the whole hour you guys worked. She watched you all walk back to Midoriya's car as the sun started going down. "You guys wanna go grab a bite to eat before I drop you off?" You shook your head "Nah I told Kayama I would be home in time to eat dinner with her, you guys have fun though i'll call for a ride." You waved the car off and once it was out of eyesight and went over to Midnight's car and hoped in "Ready to go boo?" She was taken aback for a minute, she didn't know you knew she was there. She started the car and car and started driving home.

You know Midnight can be well, a bit more then a normal person would call jealous but thats only because she loves you so much.

(623 Words)

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