King Deku x Queen Uraraka Head Canons

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My story kept flopping so head canons it is,

-Midoriya was born to now former king Toshinori and queen concert Inko, Uraraka is the daughter of Inko's lady in waiting and now the queen concert and you were born into a servants family and became a maid yourself

-You meet the king and queen concert when you became their personal maid, you dont do palace chores you tend to them and their needs personally 

-It was alright at first, bowing and referring to them as highness, majesty, ma'am, sir, ect... and making sure their clothing was washed bed was made just the normal maid things

-Then they started telling you you could call them by their first name and you didn't need to bow to them when you guys were alone, which made you a bit uncomfortable since your status was much lower then theirs 

-Then some of your belongings started to go missing like underwear, perfume, jewelry

-One day while cleaning their room up you found one of your missing perfumes hidden away in Uraraka's drawer, you simply put it back and went about your day, theres nothing you can do shes queen accusing her of something like theft could get you exiled...or worse

-Your sure they know that you know of their creepiness because they stop trying to hide it they'll walk right in your room and sit on your bed watching you sleep, they've stopped hiding the things they steal from you, hell theres been times one of them will just grab you or pull you to them and just hold you

-Eventually your summoned to their chamber, assuming you need to clean something you missed you run along over, only for Midoriya to shut and locked the door saying you'll stay in their room for now on 

-Your forced to stay in their room all the time no matter what, they have a servant bring you food and clothing 

-They force you to sleep in between them

-Only the most trusted know about you so their not worried, you'll love them and grow used to their spoiling soon enough

(358 Words)

Requested by: Sol565

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