Sound Proof {Mic}

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He yanked open the heavy metal door with a huff and pushed you inside causing you to fall on your side "This is my sound proof training room, no noise gets in no noise gets out. Lets see how you like two weeks in here since you dont know how to listen." You looked around the plain white room, he had clearly cleaned out the equipment leaving just an empty room in preparation for your punishment, as you looked around you relized there was no bathroom "Uh what about-" He tossed you a metal bucket with a sick smirk "Enjoy you stay." The sound of the door closing was the last thing before everything stopped and all you heard was the sounds your body made.

Mic only comes once a day, late in the night to drop food and empty your bucket but he never talked much less looked at you during those times. After the first week he started miss you, even if it was just you calling him crazy you at least he got to hear your beautiful voice. Your punishment was starting to feel like his own, punishment be damned! He misses you too much! He basically ran to your room but he collected himself before slowly opening the door and smiling at you widely "Alright baby im feeling nice so i'll let you out on good behavior, come on." You went from staring at the ceiling in a daze and to him "But why, this is my punishment, how will I learn if let me off with a warning."

He cocked his head to the side, you dont wanna leave? "Im not playing games songbird, come here." He opened his arms like he was waiting for a hug, or maybe so he could scoop you up to carry when you came over "No thanks, I'll be good and serve my full punishment." He walked in and tried to pick you up but you scooted back, he has to actually grab your ankle and drag you out as you clawed at the floor and tried to hold onto the door frame all the while whining "Noooo!"

He shook his head as you finally was able to throw you over his shoulder and start walking down the hallway "How could I have possibly forgotten you like being alone. So much time wasted on a punishless punishment." You were still fighting his grip reaching for the still open door far behind him "Please Mic let me go back! I'll be good just put me back, it was so peaceful!" Mic held you tighter "No, you didn't get punished so you still need a punishment. You said it yourself you wont learn with a warning." You groaned as he hummed in thought all the way to the living room.

He sat on the couch and pulled you onto his lap with his arms tightly around your waist "Your punishment is cuddling while we talk." You tried to hide your face in his neck to get out of having to talk but he wouldn't let you "Making eye contact is part of talking pumpkin." You huffed "Cant you just take my computer privileges away and let me go back to the quite room." You gave you a 'are you serous' look "Stop whining, come on little listener, this will be fun for both of us. I promise, lets get to know each other better then we already do. Thats part of the fun of a relationship you can always learn more about your lover, come on ask me anything you dont know."

You turned to the training room "Why wont you let me go back?" He playfully rolled his eyes before pinching your check "If you weren't so cute I wouldn't put up with you. Of course I would fall for a female Aizawa." You cocked your head to the side "Whos Aizawa?" He perked up at that and squeezed you a bit closer, you took the bate "I cant believe I never told you about my best friend, Shota Aizawa, alright so we meet back in high school...."

(722 Words)

Original Idea From: Ziakitty

Personally I would have cracked after day 1, like I always have to have background noises {mostly creepypastas} no matter what im doing so that room would be my personal hell 

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