𝕃𝕖𝕤𝕓𝕚𝕒𝕟 {EraserMic}

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What would happen after F/n comes out as Lesbian to father EraserMic

-Of course their not gonna judge you or anything, they love you no matter what 

-But theres more than just acceptance in their smile, theres joy 

-They dont have to worry about a boy convincing you to do something that could land them with a grand kid 

-And now when Kaminari or Bakugou make a comment about you they can just laugh, they dont need to worry about you getting with them because you never will! Its as if a huge relief off their shoulders 

-So now instead of no dating there is 'selective' dating 

-The girls of 1A and B are amazing and EraserMic wouldn't have a single problem with you dating one of them, well as long as the two of you follow all the rules their gonna give you

-Now if you two break a rule, your gf questions how close you and your dads are, or how protective they are of you then EraserMic will just have to tell you your to good for you or that their gonna cheat on you... listen to your dads they've never gave you bad advice before and this is no different

-Anyone who was homophobic to you ~disappears~ 

(229 Words)

Requested by: Crimson_Dragon13

Every time I write your user name I wanna right Crimson Riot 🤣

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