Avoid {MightFlame}

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"Hawks-san I got those files you asked for-" You looked to the other two heroes in the office "Im sorry im interrupting, i'll go-" All Might gave you a smile "'Course you arnt! Come on in Ms. L/n." You quickly dropped the files off and basically booked it out the office. 

A bit later you were back at your desk sending an email to Best Jeanist when the elevator door open, you quickly stood grabbing a few papers but a large hand came down on your shoulder forcing you to sit back down "You've been avoiding us." You looked up to Endeavor and All Might with an innocent look "Im not sure what you mean-" Endeavor's eyes narrowed "Bullshit, every time we're around your running off like your being chased." You stood again shuffling the papers "Im the number three heroes secretary, im a busy women." Again Endeavour grumbled "I checked your schedule with Hawks, your lieing." 

You opened your mouth to defend yourself but All Might grabbed your shoulder and pulled you to him before starting to walk you to the door, Endeavor not far behind you both "Wait-!" Endeavour silenced you with one look "Shut up, walk with us like a good girl and maybe your punishment for trying to abandon us wont be so bad."

(223 Words)

Requested by: _Katerina-Petrova_

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