Teenage Rebellion 2 {AFO}

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The heroes came into the conference room one by one, taking their seats and waiting for the answer to why they had to get out their beds. Present Mic, Aizawa, Midnight, Sir Nighteye, Hawks, Kamui Woods, Mt. Lady, and a few other less noticeable heroes were sat around the table as All Might stood in the front of the room rubbing a crying Midoriya's head. Hawks leaned back "Guess i'll do it then, yo Mighty why are we here?" Midoriya looked up to All Might who nodded so Midoriya went over the whole day all the way up to the kidnapping.

Midnight's eyes widened "L/n was kidnapped?" All Might shook his head looking sad "As much as I hate to out her like this, she wasn't completely kidnapped by the league...because shes an unofficial member." A few small gasped filled the room before Mic's chair flung back as he stood slamming his first on the table "You saying my little girls the traitor!?" No one missed the 'my' part but no one said anything filling it wasn't the time or place. Nighteye grabbed Mic's shoulder and pulled him back into his seat he picked up beforehand "Let the man finish Mic."

"F/n L/n is actually F/n Shigaraki... All For One's daughter and Tomura Shigaraki's step sister. We had a talk and she confessed all this to me along with the fact she wants to be a hero and get away from her family and their business." Midoriya's eyes grew wide, Mic's jaw hit the floor, and the rest of the heroes eyes widened. All Might nodded at them "She wants to be a hero and as her teachers and heroes its our job to make sure she becomes one. We found her location threw her phone and a plan has already been laid out by me-" Midoriya jumped up "I coming!" All Might crossed his arms "No you arn't-" Aizawa sighed "The problem child is going to be there no matter what so you might as well let him come with us, we can keep an eye on him and he wont bring any other classmates if hes with us." 

All Might sighed shaking his head "Fine, lets get on with the plan now." Eventually they were all loaded into a van outside the leagues hideout. All Might and Aizawa kept glancing over to Mic and Midoriya before glancing back to each other. All Might went to open his mouth but Aizawa quickly nodded already knowing what he was about to ask, All Might nodded before turning to Mic "Mic-san?" "Yes!?" "You'll stay here with Midoriya and make sure he stays away from the fight." Mic was about to argue back but Aizawa cut him off "This is the best thing you can do for her, she wouldn't want Midoriya in the fight." Mic let out a sigh and rubbed his face "Bring her back safe."

Aizawa went to the door as he put his googles on "You know i'll try my hardest." After thirty minutes Midoriya stood and started for the door "Where are you going?" He turned to Mic with hopeful eyes "Come on Mic-sensei! She needs us right now, All For One is the most dangerous villain out there and daughter or not she betrayed him we have to save her and their busy fighting. Slip in slip out, promise." Mic stood nodded as he and Midoriya hopped out the van and ran to the side that was most quite to slip in threw and already broken window.

They were walking down the hallway when Midoriya stopped looking around "Where would he put her?" Mic shrugged "Well if I was holding my daughter I wouldn't lock her up in a grungy room, maybe we just need to find her bedroom." Midoriya nodded as they started walking again, every door looked the same. They opened a few but nothing came of it, the fight sounded as if it was getting worse and worse and neither of them knew who was on the losing side. Eventually they past a hallway and Mic stopped "I hear frantic breathing, that way, stay behind me." Midoriya nodded as they walked down the hallway.

Two doors down the door had a plaque 𝕋𝕠𝕞𝕦𝕣𝕒 they walked a few more door down and on the other side of the hall on a door was another plaque 𝕱/𝖓. The two ran over and Mic tried to pull the door open but it was locked up tight "Shit, locked." "Move Mic-sensei."

You were standing on your bed, out of breath, trying to use a piece of your bed frame to pry the bars off the window so you can break it and get out

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You were standing on your bed, out of breath, trying to use a piece of your bed frame to pry the bars off the window so you can break it and get out. The door behind you broke, not off the hinges, off the whole wall leaving the wall with some broken off pieces. You yelped as you fell from the bed hitting your elbow on the way down, the dust cleared and you saw Midoriya and Mic. You pushed yourself up and ran to them basically jumping onto Midoriya to give him a hug. Mic started pushing you two out the door "While this is cute and all we gotta-" "Its came from this way!" He sighed "Midoriya get her out of here, i'll handle them."

Midoriya scooped you into his arms and activated his quirk in his legs to run. Dabi, Spinner, and seven Nomu's rounded the corner "Its only one hero, let the nomu have h-"

Once the rest of the league heard Mic Kurogiri pulled them into a portal to save their ears as the heroes ran out the building

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Once the rest of the league heard Mic Kurogiri pulled them into a portal to save their ears as the heroes ran out the building. Aizawa was the first to see Midoriya and quickly ran over to the two of you checking for wounds and lecturing about getting into the fight as he walked you to the ambulance. Mic came out dragging two nomus right before the ambulance was about to leave. He and Midoriya road with you to the hospital to watch over you while you received treatment for the few injuries you got during your failed escape attempts.

~Time Skip~

You looked around the living room "Dad!" After a moment Mic peaked his head from around the kitchen corner "Yeah?" "Me and Izuku are heading out, we're gonna pick up Eri on the way so I might be home a bit later than normal." "Alright you two love birds  have fun." You rolled your eyes but smiled "We will." 

(1135 Words)

Requested by: Chelmdford10

I've been giving yall to many happy endings, im gonna have to kill some characters soon before I go soft 🙃

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