Pet {Shigaraki "+ Dabi"}

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Dabi has been talking shit for the last hour, not at you at Shigaraki, hes nit picking every little thing about him and Shigaraki's just ignoring him but its really starting to get annoying. You cant deal with him anymore "Why dont you stable your mouth shut next." Dabi turned to you then Shigaraki "Hey 'boss'  better put your pet on a leash before I put her in her place for you." You jumped of your stool putting your finger in his face completely done with his shit now "Im not his pet." He laughed right in your pissed off face "Sure you arn't~, thats why when he told you to sit you sa-" *SMACK*

Everyone turned just in time to see Dabi's head jerk from the force of your smack, Shigaraki warned you about using violence against him never said anything about the other league members. Dabi turned to you, a whelp in the shape of your hand starting to appear, but before he could do or say anything Shigaraki grabbed your wrist careful with his pinky and started dragging you to his room with a purpose. You started to fear that maybe you had done something wrong.

Once he shut the door to his room you were prepared for anything, except the fact he took 'father' off and pulled you to him "You are, so hot." You were taken aback, he found that hot? You didn't get to ask any question before your clothing turned to dust as you both tumbled down onto his bed.

Dabi stood outside the door with a smirk "She really is...." 

(270 Words)

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