Rest {Mic}

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Mic was standing outside his classroom when you walked in, normally you would smile and greet him with a cheery 'good morning Mic-sensei' but this time you just walked right past him and to your desk. You laid your head on your desk and closed your eyes. Mic frowned, thats not like you at all, the thought to himself as he left his place by the door. He squatted by your desk to get face level with you "You alright little listener?"

You sat up as you opened your eyes "Yeah." He doesn't believe that for a second "You sure? If ya feeling sick I could send you to Recovery Girl." You shrugged as you grabbed your backpack off the floor as he made his way over to his desk writing you a nurse slip "If you dont feel well enough to go to your next class once Recovery Girl gives you the boot just come back here alright. I'll get you some excuses and you can chill in here." You simply nodded as you left to Recovery Girls room.

Two, then three, now four class periods had past and you still haven't shown your face. Mic went to the teachers lounge and to Midnight's desk "Hey was L/n in your class today?" She shook her head no, Aizawa walked over with his coffee cup "She went home during second block." Mic perked up at that, he sent you during first "Do you know why?" Aizawa nodded towards the door and Mic followed as he walked all the way to the empty teachers lounge on the fourth floor. Once he had shut and locked the door he turned back to Mic.

"Apparently she had a breakdown in Recovery Girl's office so bad she had to call Hound Dog to come and collect her. Her and Hound Dog talked it out, dont ask what the break down was about or what they talked about Hound wont tell any of us, but he sent her home and excused her for the week." Mic nodded along "Alright, thanks man!" Aizawa stopped him from leaving "Why do you need to know?" Mic put on his signature smile "I needed to give her the work she missed today."

Aizawa must have believed him because he shrugged and left, Mic got the feeling you weren't feeling it today but he didn't think you would have a full melt down. He tried to just go about his day but he kept finding his mind wondering back to if you were alright. At the end of the school day he found himself to be the last teacher left, grading. He walked over to Aizawa's desk and pulled the drawer out. He moved the manila folders until the one that said F/n L/n was in his hands.

He flipped threw and took a picture of the current address before placing it back and going about his grading. Once in his car he put the address in the GPS and started rolling.

The door to the apartment was opened by a man "Can I help you?" "His is this the L/n residence?" The man nodded as a women walked up behind him "Hi im Present Mic, your daughter's English teacher, I brought her the work she missed today. Do you mind if I come in." The two moved aside so he could walk in, he scanned the room as he placed the work on the coffee table "I would like to check on L/n if thats alright with you." The man rolled his eyes and walked away but the women nodded and started leading him to your room.

She knocked "Go away." It hurt Mic's heart to hear your normally lovely voice break like that. "F/n, one of your teachers is here to see you." When no response came Mic knocked "Little listener, can I come in?" Again no response, he grabbed the handle and opened the door. You were laying in bed a few blankets covering your body, pillows and close and the such were strewn about the floor, a few cups, cans, and plates your nightstand, a plate with food clearly untouched sat beside them. Mic knows the look of your room all to well.

He gave your mom a smile as he started to close the door "I'll talk to her." Once the door closed he sat on the edge of your bed "Heard you had a little outburst today, feeling any better?" You shook your head causing Mic to scoot closer and pet your head "Just one of those days huh." "One of those months." Mic couldn't believe your parents would let it get this bad, sending you to school a hero school at that knowing you need rest mental rest.

He stood "Well I brought you the work you missed and the work for the rest of the week since Hound said you could stay home but dont rush. No deadline for any of it, get it done when you can alight." You nodded "Alright, bye little listener." "Bye Mic-sensei." 

When the night fell Mic climbed up the fire escape of your apartment, up to your room. He was so glad you left the window open because he could just climb right in. He scooped you up and climbed down to his car, he noticed you walking up as he was placing you in his car "Shh, its alright baby girl go back to sleep. Im gonna bring you somewhere you can rest up."

(992 Words)

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