FarmHand {EraserMic}

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{Quirkless AU}

Your uncle Nezu offered you a job on his farm for the summer and wanting the money and to get away from home for a bit you happily accepted. Your plane landed and you quickly got your suitcase and started looking around "F/n, over here!" You shuffled over to the direction of your uncles voice and found him standing in front two rough looking guys "Hi uncle Nezu!" "Hi dear." You two hugged before he started walking as he introduced you to his farm hands, Hizashi Yamada aka Mic and Shota Aizawa aka Eraser. Once in the parking lot he gave you a smiled "My cars a bit, well, small so you'll have to ride in the old pickup with Mic and Aizawa." 

You thanked Aizawa as he grabbed your luggage to throw in the trucks bed, Mic slung his arm around your shoulder pulling you to him "Well lassie the ac dont work and you have to hit a pothole just right to get the radio to work so get ready for a bumpy and windy ride!" You laughed as he pulled you to the truck, he hopped in the drivers side and Aizawa let you crawl into the middle of the bench seat before jumping in himself. 

You found out the seat clearly wasn't welded down all the way because the second you got onto the dirt road you were bouncing up a storm squished between and smiling Mic and Aizawa who was gripping the oh shit handle "Hey Mic maybe you should, I dont know, drive on the right side of the goddamn road! God your going 80!" Mic laughed at Aizawa "If theres no middle line that means there is no right side, besides thats only 40 over the speed limit." 

The rest of your uncle's workers came out to meet you once Mic stopped the truck and let you out. There was Recovery Girl who took care of the house and workers, then the ones who took care of the animals and land Midnight, VladKing, Powerloader, and Snipe all welcoming you with a smile and a 'your uncle told us so much bout you' a bit later your uncle's car pulled up "Hey Mic?" "Yes sir?" "You drive like that with my niece again and i'll mount you on the wall." "Yes sir!" You gave a light laugh that had Mic's smile coming back "You think hes joking but we used to have another farmhand here." You laughed harder as Recovery Girl grabbed your hand "Your skin and bones, come on honey i'll make you some lunch."

The summer was hard work but there was always fun to be had. You had to wake up right as the sun starts coming up at 5AM to get dressed and be down for breakfast by at least 5:20, eat and chit chat with everybody and by 5:45-5:50 be walking out to start the day. At lunch time around 1 Aizawa had you pack up your lunch and showed you an old water whole in the shade they eat lunch at and use to cool off, then be back to work by 2 then finally being done and time for dinner at 6, the farmhands leave to go to their own house to get ready for bed a bit away from the main house and you, Nezu, and Recovery Girl stay in the main house as you head up to shower and ready for bed yourself

If its a Saturday you'll hear light tapping on your window at around 11-12. It's Mic standing on a ladder leaning against the house, hes their to sneak you off with Aizawa and Midnight to a random bonfire to get drunk and do donuts in the fields, so spoiler alert he did drive like that with you again. Its only on Saturdays because Sundays are days off so you can all sleep in after being out till 3 in the morning instead of trying to sleep at 3 and work at 5.

This is how the summer goes and though it sounds like you could get bored there was never a dull moment. Like when Mic fell in the bull pin, or when Midnight almost set the barn on fire, can't forget when Aizawa got attacked by a stray cat while trying to pet it and ran in the kitchen whooping and hollering like a banshee, and then there was when you got the bright idea to try and sneak some food before Recovery Girl was done cooking that one was most dangerous of them all.  

All to soon summer was coming to and end and your parents mailed you your plain ticket a sad reminder it was almost time to go. The day came and Aizawa was again loading your stuff in the back of the old pick up and Mic was already sat behind the wheel as you told the others your goodbyes and Nezu promising to try and see if you can come back next year. You hopped in getting snug in the middle seat before Aizawa hoppes in and slams the door behind him, only way to get it to shut "How about we dont try and end up in a ditch Mic." 

Mic laughed "How many times have you died while I was driving? None? So then shut up." He started driving as Aizawa let out a small laugh, you found out they were married during one dinner when Midnight brought up their anniversary asking Recovery Girl if she was gonna make her famous cake she refuses to give anyone the recipe to. They didn't make it off the dirt road before you started nodding off having to get up on a Sunday after your last secret party. Mic glanced at you "Awe Sho look she fell asleep, bless her little heart." Aizawa smiled "Well that makes this a whole lot easier doesn't it." "Yeah were almost to our new home right now, the three of us are gonna be so cute together for the rest of our days!"

(1043 Words)

Requested by: SongSolar888

Im born and raised in the south and I still managed to write this sounding as if i've never been to the south before 😔

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