Pretend {Mic}

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"Can you just pretend to love me? ...Just for tonight?" You sighed rolling your eyes as you took Mic's hand in your own "Fine but this counts as your birthday present. Oh and I want more computer time." "Deal!" He kissed your check before ringing the doorbell, the door swung open a second later and a young looking women opened the door, Mic told you her name was Midnight "Hey birthday boy!" She yanked him into a tight hug before noticing you "Oh, whos this?"

You cut Mic off by wrapping yourself around his arm and smiling at Midnight "Im L/n, Hizashi's girlfriend, nice to finally meet you." She yanked you into the same hug she gave Mic "Well I guess your not getting a birthday lap dance." You chuckled "If he cant have it i'll take it." She laughed with you as she lead you inside the house and to the coffee table everyone was sitting around "Hizashi's got himself a girlfriend." You recognized everyone right away Shota Aizawa, All Might, Tensei Iida, and Ms. Joke. You sat next to Joke and Mic soon joined you on the other side "So whats up party people!?"

A drink was placed down in front both you but you gave Mic yours as well not really wanting to drink tonight. Every one ate and drank just talking, for the first time in a long time you felt normal. "Oh god dont get us started on the goatee!" You started laughing harder "Oh please tell me someone has a picture of that!" Mic shook his head "No!" But Tensie handed you his phone, picture already up "Yes!" 

The fun died down and everyone settled down seeing how late it was getting. You placed your head on Mic's shoulder "Zashi 'm tired." He laughed as he scooped you up standing along with it "Alright im heading out, night everyone!" "Night man." "Night Mic." "Oh you too L/n!" "Bye guys." He placed you in the passenger seat and buckled you up "You good lil momma?" "Yeah, hurry up I wanna lay in bed." He couldn't help but laugh at that as he ran around to get into his own seat.

Once home he was carrying you to your room when you stopped him "Your birthday presents still in use, we can sleep in your room." His smile widened as he headed to his room now "Happy Birthday Zashi." He just relized thats the second time you called him that "Night songbird."

(418 Words)

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