Dear Old Dad {AFO}

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{M/n = Mom' name}


"Is Midoriya staying the night again?" Your aunt wiggled her eyebrows as you rolled your eyes "Stop." She laughed "Im only messing with you, besides I can see that look in your eyes when you talk to that Yaoyorozu gi-" "Is it really that obvious!" She chuckled nudging your shoulder "Not really but it's the same one your M/n used to have with her crushes." Her smile dropped when she relized she brought up your mom, a ruthless villain who passed away during your birth. She couldn't go to a real hospital since she was a wanted women, she had to go one of those shady ones were doctors look the other way if paid enough so it didn't really have what they needed to save her on hand.

The doctor that delivered you brought you to your aunt a few hour after your birth with bags full of everything she would need for a baby from 'your father', no one knows who he is though of course him and your mom were together but she cut off all contact with her family after becoming a villain so know one even knew he or you existed till that day, and your aunts been raising you on her own ever since. Well 'on her own' in a sense of course she was the one that was hands on taking care of you but sometimes randomly packages come in the mail with money and/or things for you with a label saying just 'from dad' but again randomly sometimes they were only a month or two apart and other times the line went dead for a couple years.

Her smile returned when you went over and hugged her. Midoriya came back from the bathroom and you let your aunt go turning to him "We better hit the hey L/n, we have to get to school early tomorrow to get on the bus. Aizawa said if we miss it Mic or Midnight sensei will have to drive us and I didn't like the smile on his face when he said it."

You nodded in agreement, it just seemed to nice on Aizawa's part to make plans in advance to get rides for students who missed the bus, something was up with their driving or something. "Alright night aunty." "Night dear, Night Midoriya." "Night Ms. L/n." You guys went up to your bedroom to watch movies till you both crash like every time he comes over, you and Midoriya became fast friends after meeting on the first day of UA, you can't explain the feeling when you two first meet but it was like something inside you drew you to him but in a platonic way. 

Normally he would sleep on the bean bag and you would sleep on your bed but you two kinda bursted the bean bag while while play fighting the last time he came over so to save him from the floor you let him come and sleep on the bed. You two went to sleep on opposite sides of the bed not touching at all but its like your body's moved on their own getting closer so they could touch. The second your bodies touch the dream you were having faded to blackness and you gain some kind of consciousness to find you were sitting on what must have been ground? 

You started looking around the blackness that somehow carried light until you saw something and jumped at the sudden appearance,

You started looking around the blackness that somehow carried light until you saw something and jumped at the sudden appearance,

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"Come, I dont have much time to explain things." You should have been freaking out or scared but this presents felt... formulier in more ways than one.  You stood from the floor and walked over to him "Who are you?" He gave you a friendly smile "Your uncle." "My mom only had sis-" He patted your shoulder "Im your father's brother." Your eyes grew wide but he cut you off before you could ask any questions "Look you nor Midoriya are strong enough to keep All For One and One For All connected enough for me to be able to project into your space for very long so I need to warn you now."

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